
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Adios 2009...

The 2008/2009 Melbourne fireworks display as s...Image via Wikipedia

Don't let the door hit you in the A** on the way out!
No I won't be missing this year, not sorry to see it go at all. It w
as a tough year with more downs(no pun intended) than ups. It was a year of struggles and stress and fear. It pushed us to our limits and at times just kicked the crap out of us!

But mixed in to all the difficulties of this year were some beautiful moments, respite... a gift from God. So that is what I will try to remember about this year and that is what I will leave you with.
God Bless you all this New Years Eve! May we all rejoice in a new year, may it bring with it hope, healing, and faith renewed.

Our last Christmas together.This was Dec 2008 but I had to include it in this year. It was such a great day. My Aunt died this year,on July 25th. I miss her every day.

A tiny Emmie

Father Daughter dance

Emmie's Baptism
Beach Days


Apple pickingFirld Trips
Perfect Pictures
First Birthdays


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Blue Eyed Baby

Aniela took this picture. I had Em over my shoulder and Aniela thought she looked so cute. We almost died when we saw the photo, look at her eyes! This is one of my most favorite photos of Em. It really doesn't even look like her, it's just a totally different expression on her face. Just very peaceful, but those blue eyes really took my breath away.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Emmie's First Timeout

Yes it's true, Miss Emilia had her first timeout today. What in the world could this sweet baby do wrong you may be asking? Well just take a look at the photo below. It's a picture of the shelf to my entertainment center, which just happens to be the perfect height for Miss Em to chew on!

It is now decorated with her lovely teeth marks! The whole length of the shelf. She is sneaky about it too! This is the first time I have actually caught her chomping on it. But from the look of the shelf she has been up to it for a while.

OK, she didn't actually sit in the corner for more than a couple of seconds and her timeout ended with a lot of hugs and kisses. And she didn't know it was a timeout, just a new spot in the kitchen.
But she better keep her teeth off my furniture! And yes! yes! she has every type of chew toy in her little toy box, but I guess there's nothing like a good piece of treated wood to sink your teeth into!

Disney On Ice....

I love the turtles, they were my favorite part

for the goose egg!!!!!!! Thanks to a miracle working and very generous friend all eight of us went to see Nemo on Ice yesterday. And the seats were so good! We were in the seventh row. There's no way we could buy tickets to that this year. There is a big billboard on the highway I pass just about every day. Every time I went buy I would think "I'd really like to take the kids this year". But I would quickly dismiss the thought. I think sometimes God answers prayers that you didn't even think you were praying. Almost like a sign that He knows it wasn't a necessity but He hears every thing, even the silent wish of a mom. Thanks Pat, you really are a miracle worker!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Tradition

Emilia, all ready to eat

This was an absolute first for my
family. We went out to eat on Christmas Eve. Never in the history of my family have we ever strayed from the traditional Italian Christmas Eve Dinner. But this year my mom was just not up to it. She suggested we go out for Lunch. LUNCH! No Way Mom!!! ( the reason we have to go out for lunch is , because we go to church at 5:00pm,and then we go to a friends Christmas Eve party) But the more I thought about it I started to think , this wasn't such a bad idea.
I called one of my favorite restaurants, Mediterraneo and made a reservation. Well we were seated upstairs in this gorgeous room which we had ALL TO OURSELVES!!!!!! We had our own server, it was wonderful!!! Downstairs was noisy and crowded. But we were in Heaven! I guess if you make reservations and mention that you are bringing Five children with you it works in your favor!

A family picture
Lovely Sophia
My girls making themselves comfortable


Friday, December 25, 2009

Silent Night, Holy Night ...

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah
Christ, the Savior is born
Christ, the Savior is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace

From our family to yours, have a happy and blessed Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Never Again

Has any one seen the cat? Or the baby for that matter! We did the switch and I will never do it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We worked like dogs from 11:00 am to 10:00pm. The kids too, they were great. I just had one mutiny... Olivia she flat out refused to work any longer without food, by three she stopped to eat. My plan was to keep them hungry until we were done. A fat, content belly tends to become lazy. Peter pulled something in his back almost immediately.... oh joy!!! Between the two of us you couldn't build a complete person.

But I have to admit it looks good. The closets are not done and some things still need tending to but it will all get done in due time. Everyone slept well their first night in their new rooms. And I have to admit I love being in the same room with Emilia.I lay in bed and listen to her breath or coo in her sleep, it's great. I seriously had to restrain myself last night from scooping her up and putting her in bed with me.

My living room
Somewhere in there is a tiny kitchen
Just plain scary. But in was all in it's place by 10:30! Amazing! Good job Team Family!!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowed In /Thankful Sunday

Finally some real New England weather! We are completely snowed in! Bella wanted a white Christmas and now she's got it! Just glad it did this now and not Tuesday when Aniela is coming home. Now we are praying for one more storm to come when she is leaving us! it would be a shame if she had to spend an extra day or two, hehe.

Today I'm thankful for this storm because now we get to finish the stinkin' room switch!!!!
I can't have two girls sleeping on the living room floor when Santa comes!

I am thankful for good friends who make tough times easier!

I am so thankful for all of you. I know I've said it before but you all have become like family. I'm loving all the cards. Every time I get one in the mail it just confirms that you really do exists.
I sound like that commercial when the M&M meets Santa and they both say "he does exists" and faint.

And I am thankful for a slower and more simple Christmas.

And one more huge announcement! Not to be out done by her sisters performance in the Nutcracker , Emilia Faith has been putting on her own show!

Ta DAAAAA no leaning and no hands! She just picked herself up the other day and decided to stand.

*please ignore the mess in my house and the bed head Emmie is sporting.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Aniela!!!!!!!!!

On December 16th this lovely young woman turned twenty three years old. This is Aniela my step - daughter. I've always hated the term step - daughter, it reminds me of Cinderella and her evil step - mother.I don't think our relationship is at all like theirs.

I met Aniela when she was eight years old. she was a tiny feisty little girl. With long brown hair big brown eyes and already a beautiful dancer. I feel in love instantly.

I have to confess that it wasn't an easy transition for me to go from single chick to a married woman with a step daughter over night. Aniela lived with her mom but was with us often. I was afraid to cross that fine line. Was I her friend or a mother figure? Should I discipline her or leave it up to her parents? I never wanted to try to take the place of her mother. She already had a great mom and I surely didn't want to step on any toes.

Through the years I did make mistakes. I didn't get as close as I would have liked to, and it really took me a while to find my place in her life. I like where we are now. We are closer than friends and much more than a family member. I love her like my own, worry about her and admire her.

She is an over achiever who breezed through college in three years. She didn't take any summers off, just went straight through. After college she worked day and night to save money. Her dream was to move out to California and pursue her dance career. She trained as a ballerina for years, danced in the company at Festival Ballet, and then started her own dance company in college. Amazing!!!! After her ballet training she started to dance hip hop. Granted we weren't crazy about that at first but after seeing her in a competition we were blown away.

So today Aniela is out in California doing everything possible to survive. And everything possible to make her dream come true. The one bit of advice I told her when she left was, have no regrets. Don't come home until you are satisfied.

We miss her terribly. But at the same time are so incredibly proud of her. How many people actually go after their dreams? Especially when it takes them across the country and away from everyone and everything that is familiar to them.

Aniela will be home for Christmas on the 22nd . We are growing very impatient. We all can't wait to give her a huge hug!!

Happy Birthday Sweetie. I think you are amazing! I am sooooo proud to be your step- mama!!!!

And to all my friends in blogland, thanks for the calls and e-mails expressing your concern about my absence. We are all fine just busy, busy, busy!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


It's Nutcracker time!!! Every year my girls audition for the Nutcracker. The school they attend also has a ballet company and every year they perform the NC. It's a RI tradition. I don't think there is a person in the state that has not seen or at least heard of Festival Ballet NC. it's performed at the Providence Performing Arts Center biggest and prettiest Theatre in the State.

It's an exhausting time for all involved but so exciting! This year is Bella's first time. The little ones all start out as Angels.

Sophia is a Party Girl. THAT's What we were up to! Those pretty curls!!!

And Olivia is a Soldier and Trepak. Trepak are the Russian girls who dance a long with the Russian Man who dance for Clara in the Land Of Sweets.

How Silly! Good thing they take professional pictures! I'm no good.
Of course they don't allow pictures on stage. So this is as good as it will get.

And OK! I did just write a bragging post but I'm just so proud of my girls. They have been rehearsing since September. They have missed party's and sleepovers, dances, school functions and even their brothers birthday party. The whole cast works hard and put on a beautiful show.
And if I can round up some "bootleg" video I will try to post it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

What are we up to???????????
Explanation coming soon.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The party!

Andrew and Elizabeth hanging the new Thomas ornament she gave him.

Emmie checking out some tracks

It was AWESOME!!! I can't believe how great this party turned out. First of all the little boys and two little girls that Andrew invited are the best behaved and sweetest kids there are.

having cake of course

Is she having fun or what!!!

They sat on the living room floor and had hot chocolate and pizza and or popcorn during the movie. Then we had cake and there was even time for Andrew to open up his gifts.

I threw down blankets in case there were any spills. We put the hot chocolate in covered paper cups, just like you get when you buy hot at coffee shop.

The birthday boy.

It was the easiest party ever. Some of the moms I had never met stayed and we had fun talking and getting to know each other. A couple of dads stayed so Peter was all set too. What more could we ask for.

The party favor, which I forgot to take a picture of was cute too. I bought Christmas gift bags with a Polar Express like train on the front . Inside was a train whistle, a pack of hot chocolate mix, Hershey kisses and mini candy canes. I wrote a thank you letter and tied it with a bell. on the bottom of the letter were the words.. Keep Believing.... That explains the bell.

Here is the cake. Best part , it wasn't ready when Peter went to pick it up. They did it on the spot and gave it to us for half price! YEAH!!!


And to end a perfect party it finally snowed in New England. Just a dusting, but a thrill for the kids no less.

I have some many great pictures but I forgot to ask the other moms if they mind if I posted them .