
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thankful Sunday! a Little Late

this is the face mommy was making all day.

Well I'll tell ya. I had no intentions of posting a Thankful Anything today. It was just one of those days. You all know those days. The days when your children are behaving like they all carry pitchforks in their back pockets, and if they spit it will sizzle. Oh guys this day was a whopper!!!! So needless to say every hour that went by and the louder my voice raised the further away this post became.

Finally a moment of silence fell upon my home. I guess the "children" were having a meeting... how to make mommy loose it again. Whatever, I used it wisely and checked in one some of my bloggy friends. I popped over to see Kele and low and behold I see my name in print.
Kele has decided to start her own Thankful Sunday posts, and part of her inspiration came from reading mine!

OH, shame on me!!!! Here I am refusing to find something to be thankful for just because the kids tried to kill me today. I'm still alive and last I counted there are still five of them. So,there's something to be thankful for. They didn't succeed. lol

And Miss Bella had a very special day yesterday. She made her First Reconciliation. she will be making her First Communion in May.

This is a sorry sack. The children make them in preparation for their first reconciliation. After they confess their sins the priest turns it from the I'm sorry side to the I'm forgiven side. It is really a beautiful moment and the children love it. They really get that Jesus loves them and forgives them. Of course it's a great photo op when the priest is actually turning the sack around, that is if your camera doesn't die at that very moment.

And Sophia qualified for States!!!! She had a meet yesterday and nailed her beam routine. Scored a 9.0!Here she is taking first for her floor routine!

And the dust settled long enough for us to have cake...Devils food cake, seriously. First one I ever made from scratch. Decorated by Sophie and Bella. There was a slight discussion over that too.

Tomorrow is crazy hat day at school. Somehow we decorated some hats too.

Emilia is still a dream and does nothing wrong. Very thankful there!

And, I'm Thankful that I'm not in this alone. My lucky hubby was also a target for attack today. He's still alive too! Although I do recall him saying something about being to hell and back today. At least he made it back!

Thanks Kele! Of all weeks to start being thankful, I'm "thankful" to you that it was this week. Made me realize there is always something to be thankful for!

And please ... a prayer request. Sweet Jax is sick and could really use a few extra prayers. Most of you already know Jax and his beautiful family. If you don't, please stop by and give some prayer support. Thanks

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Royal Crown

HMMMM, I wonder what this is.

It looks pretty.

It's a crown! It must be mine. Um, there's no jewels on this. I know! This is the one I wear when I'm in my play clothes. If I could just figure out how it works.

I'm not ready for pictures!!!!!

Can't forget the royal toys. Don't tell the Queen Mommy, she says I can't play with these.

Almost ready.

All set. Shoot away!

All photos by Sophia.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Audiology, 15 month check up and what's a quahog?

Miss Emmie has had a busy week. PT on Tuesday, an audiology appointment on Wednesday and today she began her day with her 15 month check up followed by ST. She weighs a whopping 18 pounds!! All that in a 27 inch frame, compact cuteness!

She ended her appointment with four shots. I yelled stop when they attempted a fifth. The fifth was her second H1N1 shot. I'll be in the office again in a couple of weeks with Bella for her well check up, it can certainly wait until then.

Next was her Speech Therapy. Surprisingly she had a great time. I thought she would be out of it because of her doctor visit, and was even wondering what I was thinking when I scheduled them back to back like that, but Miss E had a blast. Then immediately fell into a deep sleep. She was completely tuckered out.

Her audiology appointment yesterday went well too. They are pretty sure her hearing is fine. They have come to the conclusion that she basically ignores the ridiculous sounds they are trying to get her attention with and would much rather concentrate on their faces. Hopefully they are right and if there are any hearing issues they will be very minor. They will check her again in three months.

And to answer the question some of you had from my previous post. What is a quahog?
It's a stuffed clam! The big ones. Also called a Stuffie.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Family Dinner, A.I Style

OK, last night was Bella's birthday. We always have family dinner on birthday's, no matter what! Dinner is the choice of the birthday child. Bella was kind enough to pick something quick and easy, spaghetti , corn and quahogs. Not like some children who ask for Thanksgiving dinner. hehe!! Heather you're the best, and you don't even eat it!!! Any hoot!
The problem, um, American Idol was on at the same time that our rather late dinner was being served.

The solution, move the dining room into the living room. Problem solved. Family together and everyone is happy.

BTW, we live in a raised ranch so we just had to slide the table over a few feet to the living room. It was different and fun.

Gotta go ... They're in Texas tonight!!

BTW, has anyone seen the commercial where two moms are talking at a child's birthday party. They're talking about how the mom bought everything for the party at Wal - mart.
Then a clown appears to entertain the kids, but he steps on the horn of a unicorn toy and just stands there screaming in pain. He scares the poop out of the kids, and they all run away.

Oh my gosh it's the funniest stinkin' commercial I've ever seen. laugh til my sides hurt every time it comes on.
(it was just on, that's why I'm asking)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Bella!!!!!

Today My Isabella Rose turns 8!!! I've been hearing the term "Old Soul" a lot lately, and if ever there was one, Miss Bella is it. It's hard to believe that this little person is only eight.

She speaks as if she has been here through all time. Her questions are not those that can be quickly or easily answered. You have to think about it for a while, and in turn if she is not satisfied with the answer , she will throw it back at you, or as she has done on numerous occasions, answer it herself.

Her heart is big, it holds love for all. It was Bella who came to me first after being told Emilia would most likely be born with Down Syndrome. It was her words that , wise beyond her years have stuck with me. She said, " We'll just love her".
And with those words, she moved on. The words "we'll just love her", were enough for her, and they became enough for all of us.

Bella is as wild as a thoroughbred, don't try to tame this one. She must have space to run free.
She is like the wind, at times unruly and strong, and then in a flash just a sweet gentle breeze.

And then she shows her age and is young and carefree, just a little girl, who loves to snuggle and play and needs family around her.

My sweet Bella, be happy today, embrace the age eight. This year will bring many happy moments for you.

You bring us much joy, Bella! Thank you for making us all so happy.

Thank you God for placing this complex yet incredibly sweet creature in our lives,who makes us laugh and cry and worry and at times pull our hair out, but who always makes us smile with such pride.

Happy, Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!!!

P.S I love you more!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thankful Sunday

This video sums up my thankfulness this week.
Have a blessed Sunday!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond...

... right after a little nap.

I couldn't resist. Andrew fell asleep the other night watching a show on TV. I didn't realize he was asleep until the show was over and he wasn't moving. He loves his Buzz Lightyear pj's.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Try It You'll Like It

I don't know. What did you say this stuff was?

Zucchini and mashed potatoes. Yummy!!!!

A Good Meet!

Bella placing third for vault. There was a three way tie for third.Bella is standing in between the 1 and 3.

Bella is third from the left on the bottom.

Sophia and Bella

Thanks for the prayers. The girls had a great meet. Sophia , for the first time in a meet conquered her kip and squat on, two moves on the bar that have been a thorn in her side all year. The judges were tough, they didn't give you anything, but it was a great experience for the girls. They competed against some very good teams. These girls are practicing between 16 - 20 hours a week, compared to our girls who are there seven hours. So even though Sophia didn't place at this meet, we all agreed it was one of her best and we were so proud of her, especially her bar routine.

Bella placed third on vault, and 1oth all around. No easy feat when the starting scores are around 9.6. There was even a 10!!! They don't give 10's!! Like I said these girls were tough!

Bella's team took third place for the level 4's.

It was a fun day that went very smoothly, that's always a plus. Now a day of rest!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thankful Sunday

Another week gone. Another week closer to spring!!!

Today I am thankful that the temps have gone way up! The last couple of days were in the forties.

The girls(Sophia and Bella) have a gymnastics meet today in Boston. I am thankful for a good friend who is taking Emilia for the day and another friend who is taking Andrew. It would be cruel and unusual punishment to take them along. It's going to be a loooong day.

I'm thankful that Sophia's toe is better. She fell off the beam in practice a little over a week ago and sprained it pretty badly. It caused her to miss the meet last weekend.

I'm thankful for some sweet words of encouragement from two very dear bloggy friends. Liz and Carol. They are two awesome moms who have been there and done what we are all in the middle of doing. I am so blessed to have met you.

And I'm thankful that I have you all to please say a prayer for Sophia and Bella today. That they stay safe and do their best. I always get a little nervous during these meets.

And I know I say this a lot, but I am so thankful that I have you all to share Emilia's accomplishments with. You know what it's like to wait months and months for your child to just turn the page of a book. It's such a victory! And in turn I am so glad that you are sharing your children's accomplishments with me. It's really a hoot to celebrate "firsts" with you!

Have a blessed Sunday!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just a little something

This week my little Emmie had her usual PT. She is physically doing super. I have no complaints, she's really moving along beautifully. Speech Therapy on the other hand and OT I'm not so impressed with. Emilia refuses to play appropriately. For example she will not put objects into a bucket. She white knuckles them. I guess she figures , why would I want to let go of something I just picked up. Her receptive and expressive language, not so good. She really doesn't understand what we are saying to her. Today with her ST, she dropped a block!!!! And immediately picked it back up. As if to say. "Look I can do it I just really don't want to."It was super. And she did it again and again.

I've been signing with her and repeating things...over and over and over!!! Any hoot, today while she was eating breakfast, I am constantly sign "more" and "all done", at appropriate times. Today I asked(signed) more? Well, she opened her mouth! Right on cue. She understood! And we play up and down. I pick her arms up and bring them down. Today she held my fingers and as I said up, she guided my hands up. And did the same for down.

And one last thing. She turned the page of her book!!!! This is awesome. She anticipates something coming. She knows there is more to the book than just what she can see.

Today was a huge day in our house!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mirror, Mirror...

...on the wall, whose the fairest of them all? And the mirror replied, "Why all the Princesses in blogland are so fair, I could not pick just one.
And that made the Princess smile....

p.s. all photos were taken by Sophia. Hair also done by Sophia.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Splish Splash

Emilia took a bubble in the big tub the other night. I wanted to see how she liked it. She just loved it. There was a party in the bubble with Andrew and Bella. She splashed everyone and got such a kick out of it. Then promptly screamed her head off when I took her out. She really enjoys being in the water.

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Monday...

...and it's late and it's cold. Twelve degrees cold! No one wants to move including me!!!!
Why do there have to be Mondays?????

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Thankful Sunday

Easter Approaching

Can you all believe how fast the time goes by? The New Year is here and in full swing. Valentines day is around the corner, and so is Lent, February 17th is Ash Wednesday, which is one of my most favorite times of the church. I love the forty days of fasting and prayer. The church is without flowers or decorations and you are reminded of the incredible undertaking that Jesus took upon himself for us. I love how on Easter morning after forty days of darkness we walk into a church bursting with brightness and light, flowers everywhere along with their sweet sent. Jesus King of all Kings, raised from the dead! Death having no power over him! And in turn giving us eternal life. And HOPE!!!!!!
I don't think many people realize the importance of Easter. And it's so sad to see the church bursting at the seams on Easter morning and then the following week with seats to spare. Where do they all go? And why don't they think it necessary to come back? Jesus didn't ask that we visit Him just on special occasions. He's there for us 24/7. No questions asked, any time day or night. Why is it that one day a week is too much for some people.

Where am I going with this post? I have no idea. This is not what I sat down to write. It just kind of spilled out.

Anyway what am I thankful for this week?
I'm thankful that I can go to church. Not only on Sunday but any day of the week. The doors are always open.
I'm thankful that I do know Jesus, and because of that I have Hope.
I'm thankful that he died for us so that we could have Eternal Life! Pretty good gift, don't ya think?
I'm thankful that whatever form of Christianity we follow, we all worship the same God. I have found blessings from all! I have been inspired by all, and I have learned from all.

Have a blessed and fun Sunday!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Take a Listen

All Peter wanted me to do was put the pizza in the oven and in 10- 12 minutes take it out. I forgot about the take it out part.
But!!! I had a very good reason. I've mentioned this family on my blog before. Linny and DW. They have ten beautiful children and are wild about adoption. I had posted a while back about the issues they were having getting their little girl Jubilee home from China. Well she came home on Christmas Eve. I just love them. DW, the hubby is also a Pastor at River Church in Colorado. Well, his lovely wife Linny ,wrote in one of her recent posts, that they archive his sermons. Cool. So I went on over to hear if DW could speak as well as his wife could write.
The answer is in the pizza! Well worth the trip over to River Church. And always worth the trip to Linny's blog.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We Don't Need A Puppy...

We have Emmie! And she doesn't need a designer bag either. And she doesn't shed. But as we all know she does chew on the furniture.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kissie, Kissie

Emilia just happened to catch a glimpse of herself in the garbage container, of all things. She couldn't help but stop and admire the pretty baby. Her new thing is kisses so she planted a big wet one on ... herself.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Half and Half

I just posted this picture, but that's OK.

OK I realize I have two holidays going on. Hopefully I will be able to get a new picture of Miss Em up soon. This has become an ordeal with me. Actually one I enjoy. I pick my background and then try to coordinate an outfit around it. I know I sound like someone with too much time on her hands. Trust me I'm not.

On a more serious note, a while ago I think I posted about a Canadian family that was attempting to adopt from Africa. Well the Canadian government is not allowing any new visa's from Africa. This means this family cannot return home with their newly adopted children. Anyway read the rest of the story here and please join in prayer tomorrow. I seriously don't know what this family is going to do. It's a nightmare. Prayer can help. Please read this post

Monday, January 4, 2010

Zoom, Zoom!!!

He looks so proud

We went to the Mall yesterday because the kids pockets were smoking from holding on to their Christmas money. Peter took Andrew into the toy store and this is what he chose. Or maybe this is what Daddy was begging for... I'll never know. Anyway it's really cool and it shoots these little rockets. I'm sure the cat will be thrilled with it. Of course last night they had to try it out. I gave a a warning from behind my computer, Stay away from the stairs!!! Not five minutes later I hear the rumble, tumble of the car, not one hour old flying down the stairs! I just looked up with a smug look on my face and asked" What was that noise Andrew"? Sometimes I just gotta do it.

Well the car survived the crash and was put to bed along with it's reckless driver. But right now I've got to go because everyone is going back to SCHOOL!!!!! YIPPEE!