
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Giveaway With a Twist For Nicholas Ending Soon!

The Giveaway for Nicholas ends tonight at midnight!!! Amazing, handmade Quilt up for grabs, a handmade teddy bear and more goodies!!! Check it out!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Over $5000.00!

Thanks to some wonderful and generous people Miss Nellie now has $5005.60 in her account!

Any one who wanted to donate still can of course. Nothing wrong with keeping her account moving up.

I know her mama is out there , please pray that she finds her soon.

I Have A Feeling...

..that Heaven is going to be a loud and busy place today!I hope no one was planning on resting up there today because we are about to let loose! In case you haven't heard today about a gazillion people are fasting, praying and storming heaven today for Kirill and the Davis Family along with Evan and baby J, read all you need to know here, and then join in. This is going to be BIG, it already is big!

And Hello!!! THANK YOU Miss Nellie is only $52.00 away from $5000.00. I know that someone will feel that tugging at their heart soon to help her out and donate, I just love this community so much. I know her mama is out there. You know Miss Nellie is so beautiful. She really does have gorgeous red hair and her eyes, my goodness they are like two blue pools. You can't tell from her photo but I've seen other pics of her. She is a dream.

So join in today for Kirill and please give to Nellie and thank God for everything in your life!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UPDATE: $51.20

$51.20 that's all this Dumpling needs to get her account to $5000.00 !!

Thank you!!!
Click here if you'd like to help Miss Nellie.

$167.00...CORRECTION! $83.00

I haven't forgotten that I'm a Warrior for Miss Nellie. Even with all the advocating going on right now for the families in emergency situations my Nellie is always on my mind. Every day she gets one step closer to being transferred. And everyday I check the "My Family Found Me Page" in the hopes that someone will see what I see. So today I am asking a small favor for Miss Nellie. Her account has been growing, somehow. I know there are others out there who love her so they must be doing something. Nellie's account is at $4,833, I would love to even it out to $5,000. That's $167.00. I know it's an odd request but that's what's on my mind and in my heart. If someone sees $5,000 in her account it appears to be so much more that $4,833.

And I know there has been some major fund raising going on lately and this is probably the last thing you all want to hear, but you know that nagging feeling that you just can't shake sometimes? Well I've got it. I've been putting this request off for some time now and I just cannot ignore this feeling any longer. It almost feels like this wasn't my idea, like Jesus was telling me to just do it. So I'm just doing it. $167.00 that's it. it might make all the difference in
Nellie's life. if you feel it in your heart to help out just click on her name and it will bring you to her donation page. And in this case a few dollars from a few people will really make a difference.
Only $167.00, please??

Monday, March 28, 2011


My friend Linny is having a day of fasting and prayer for Kirill!! Save the date: WEDNESDAY MARCH 30th!!!!

All of us together praying and fasting and storming heaven for Kirill!

ARE YOU IN?????????????????

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thankful Sunday

Already Sunday? Wow that was a fast week. The calendar says it's spring but our weather is still feeling like winter. I sure would be thankful for some warmer temps.

The last couple of weeks have been difficult blogging weeks. I'm not going to rehash what I said in my last posts but I do want to throw out a big thank you to my sweet and loyal followers. I would never purposely stop blogging but I seriously could not write, and I was starting to wonder how long that would go on for. I usually always have something to say or share. I guess it happens to all of us from time to time, and I am beyond thankful for the beautiful comments and emails.

I'm thankful that I am in the place I am in right now because God is using me for good. Even when I can't see it or figure it out or it just looks hopeless I know He's in control, (right, Carol)!!! And He's not going to let us go.

I'm thankful for the Queen of Quotes. And my long distance therapist! Any guesses???

And I'm thankful for friends that somehow even though we have never met know what to say. R.C that's you.

I thankful for my friend Pat who swept us off to a fundraiser last night
(free). It was for The Extraordinary Child. Beautiful organization started by a mom who has a little girl with Autism and needed a place for her to play safely. They are raising money to build an indoor/outdoor playground catering to the needs of all special children. Check them out here.

And I am so Thankful and PROUD to be part of this community! The last couple of weeks have been hard but also filled with some incredible moments. I am in awe at the miracles that have been happening. Families being fully funded practically overnight, just in the nick of time. Like the Higbies for Lera and the Beamish Family for Kameron. It's all been amazing. I really have never seen a group of people come together so quickly and effectively. Seriously being lead by their hearts to help out. People just rally, no questions asked. People just find their places and do whatever it is that they do best, whether it be fund raising or advocating or praying . Everyone just falls into line, like an army of soldiers who have perfected precise military maneuvers that have been practiced over and over again.

And I'm thankful that I have this blog and for what it has become.

Have a blessed Sunday and remember to always find something to be thankful for.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

If I Didn't Have Em...

When I found out the baby I was carrying had Down syndrome,I immediately thought of all the things I wouldn't be able to do anymore. In my mind, my life had just ended and all the joy was gone. I don't exactly know what I thought I would become. I think I had a sad, sorry , pathetic picture of myself carrying around a sad , sorry pathetic child, with my sad, sorry and pathetic family trailing behind. I know there's a lot of drama here. Believe me there was a lot of drama in the last five months of my pregnancy.

Well obviously that's not the case. No sad , sorry or pathetic people here.

Which got me to thinking today, what if I didn't have Em. What would I be doing? How would my life be different?

Miss Em, by just bursting onto the scene, has managed to so delightfully turn my world upside down. If I didn't have Em, I'm 100% sure the stress of our present condition would have sent me over the edge.
If I didn't have Em, I would not be on the Board of Directors for the DSSRI.

If I didn't have Em, than the words Reece's Rainbow would mean nothing to me.

If I didn't have Em, I would still feel sorry for people with Down syndrome.

If I didn't have Em, a blog would be a foreign object to me.

If I didn't have Em, I wouldn't bat an eye at myself or anyone else who used the R word.

If I didn't have Em, I wouldn't have said a million prayers for children I will never meet.

If I didn't have Em, I wouldn't think everyday how much cancer sucks!

If I didn't have Em, I'd have fewer laugh lines.

If I didn't have Em, I wouldn't have all of you.

If I didn't have Em, my faith would not be where it is today.

If I didn't have Em, my world would still be missing colors.

Seems like all the things I feared I'd never be able to do again, I probably never did in the first place, because nothing seems missing. My greatest fear was that I'd never be happy again. Now THAT sounds pretty sad, sorry and pathetic!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Myriad of Beads... and Emotions

Eight days away from blogging and what brings me back? A gift for Em. Beads! Wonderful, shiny, colorful,beads!! And might I add, Absolute Authentic Mardi Gras Beads, straight from Louisiana! Thank you April for sharing your treasure with us!!!

All decked out.

Emmie is delighted with her new found treasure.

Feels great on the hands too!

With all the sadness in blogland lately I have to admit I've had a heavy heart. I just couldn't bring myself to write about anything. Even WDSD came and went and there was silence at Daily Smiles. Bloggers Block? I don't know.

The old saying "When it rains it pours" is so very true. It's pouring in our lives right now.

I've been torn between posting about Em which is what this blog was created for, advocating for orphans and their families, which is what this blog has matured into, or just throwing in the towel.

I felt like I had begun to live three separate lives.

A happy mother of a special needs child, wanting to spread the joy of Down syndrome to everyone.

An advocate, for the ones with no voice, the meekest and mildest of all creatures.

A scared wife and mother trying to hold it all together, as the pieces just keep tumbling down.

I started this blog to share Em with the world, to hopefully help someone walking on the same path I am and to make it easier for them. I never expected it to become anything else. Then along came Reece's Rainbow and honestly how could it not become a place to advocate for these little ones. I guess what I wasn't ready for was the myriad of emotions that advocating would bring with it. I started to feel guilty for posting happy times with Em when there were families fighting for the lives of there children so far away. Then I felt I was overwhelming people by posting about orphans so much. I noticed that no one, or very few people, would even read the posts about the orphans. Throw all that together with a slightly crazed and immensely stressed out life at the moment, and I guess you have a recipe for disaster. I couldn't write. Not a single syllable. I tried, but I was a complete blank.
I've been hanging around FB where all you need is one line, and I'm kind of enjoying it. I've had FB for a while but never really got in to it. I think I like there.

But this is where my heart is, and I missed it. So pity party over! What this blog will NEVER be is a place to complain(well maybe once in awhile). This is my blog, my thoughts my words my heart. It's about my daughter with Down syndrome, my family, my beliefs, and my passions.

I will write what I feel is in my heart. I will not impose any guilt on myself, and I will not be offended if you do not read or comment on something. I cannot please everyone and that's not my goal.

If in any way you have been touched by something posted here, then hooray! If you look at people with Down syndrome differently because of Emmie than, Yippee!! If your heart is a little bigger and more open to adoption because of a Dumpling you read about here, than my heart is happy!! And if you have left here with a smile on your face, even just once, well... my goals have been exceeded!

And Daily Smiles is doing just what I want it to do.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Joyful Noise

This video is dark but it doesn't matter, you only need to hear it. We all should laugh like this sometimes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

About Abigail, Part Two: Her Loving Papa

These are Abigail's, Daddys words. Some of the sweetest words I've ever read. Grab a tissue and please read:
Where to begin...?
I've never written a blog before, so bear with me. Andrea has asked me to put my thoughts out here on the inter-highway. I've been a little resistant, maybe because I'm SOOOO introverted and guarded with my emotions. Nevertheless, I will do this for she doesn't feel alone. I know it means a ton to her when others who follow this blog understand where she's coming from, but that can only take her so far. We talk often, but sometimes she has to pull teeth to get me to open up. So, I have shared more with her as of late, but not with too many outside of our home. So, here goes....

I love my daughter. I love the way she makes our family more complete than before she arrived. I wasn't sure what to expect when in the hospital waiting for her to be born, but from the moment I saw her (not breathing and all...) she had captivated me. She has always kind of been a papa's girl. I like that. A LOT. I guess that may come from spending all of her days with mama at hand, and just a few hours with me in the evenings, but I'll take it. I love the way she squeals when I get home, like she's just unwrapped the greatest gift on Earth. The irony though, is that Abigail is that gift for us.

Our days are so full of joy, laughter, song and dance. Abigail has taught us how to love and to be loved. I've never met anyone with such abounding love to give so freely as she does...always expecting nothing in return. Don't get me wrong though, our days aren't all full of rainbows and roses. Some of them are ROUGH! I tend to let things roll off and keep going (or I like to think so). It's probably more a case that I just absorb them and have become very adept at cramming it way down inside. But this blog, or the story at large, isn't really about me...or Abigail. It's about Jesus Christ.

I never question His goodness. EVER. I know that this world is screwed up and that terrible things happen. Our daughter has this NF that has created so many issues from day one, both great and small. Abigail now has two tumors (MRI at 6:30 tomorrow morning to look into the most recent one, which happens to be in her neck). Insurance won't cover surgery. It's expensive. All that aside, my mind does go to a place of fear...

Fear that this is the beginning of the end. That Abigail will die VERY EARLY. That at her age and having two plexis does not bode well statistically. That there will come a day when Andrea and I wake up to an empty bedroom across the hall. That I will come home from work and not be greeted by an overjoyed little girl who can't wait to read "dopted you" or to "watch-uh pudue". That I will not have an eager partner to play her "itar" while I play my guitar. That I will lose the capacity to laugh and to love with such a richness that I've never known before. That it will all be painful for her.

But even in these moments, I know that Jesus IS GOOD. That He hasn't changed, and that her affliction is not a result of our sin or hers or even her birth mom's. I know that no matter what happens, He will be glorified by her life and death, regardless of how brief or long, how painful or pleasant. I will continue to place my hope in Him. If I can't do that, what else is there?? I sure don't want to be placing all my trust and hope in another man, who's just as messed up as I am. If I can't make Abigail all better, then neither can they. There is only One who can set her free (and isn't bound by statistics), and one day He will do just that. I don't know if that means He will bring healing in this life, or as she is welcomed Home.

My heart is heavy writing this. Partially because I try not to think much about all this if I can (Abigail makes this easier to do, as she knows and acts as though nothing is abnormal about her life), and part is because tonight I am alone. Andrea and Abigail are on their way to Indy to stay with a friend, so they'll be closer for the early morning MRI. But, unfortunately, it gives me a small glimpse of what it would be like without her...very quiet. And EMPTY.

I know we looked crazy while we literally waited on God to bring us a baby. We waited for three years, but look what He had in store! I hate to think about Abigail's mortality and how difficult it would be to move forward without her, but I wouldn't trade any of the time we've had with her to go back and do it over differently. These have been by far the BEST, most rewarding, and certainly the most refreshing 2 1/2 years of my life. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for years to come. I understand that some of you may think we look crazy for not freaking out and for trusting God, etc., especially if you may not love the Lord. But the way I see it, I hope you ALL would think we were crazy if we were NOT able to fully trust and hope in Him alone.

So, as we wait for the MRI and then results, please continue lifting us up in prayer. That the Lord would be a constant companion for Andrea in the moments where I am lacking. That He would continue to pour out His Spirit on Abigail, so she may continue to light up the world from the ground up. That we would be quick to recognize Christ's true nature manifest through our little one. That we would be more intentional about sharing Christ with Abigail, as we don't know the day or hour of her departure. That above all else, we would have the sweet praise of His name on our lips from the time we wake till the time we sleep.

Abigail's loving papa, overwhelmed by his loving Papa...

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Abigail, Part One

I wanted to take my time to write this post. It is about Abigail.

Abigal has Neurofibromatosis (NF) You might remember this post about her. But time is not a luxury she has right now. She was scheduled to have surgery in June to remove the tumor that is growing on her leg. Unfortunately in the last few days her tumor has grown to four times it's size and is infected. Abigail's surgery has been moved up to April.

Here are Andrea, Abigail's moms words on it:

Abigail has a plexi on her leg. The nature of this type of tumor is that it affects multiple nerves, contains mast cells that release histamine causing sever itching, and it contains blood vessels. The blood vessels mean more blood supply to whatever part of the body the tumor is on causing that particular part to grow faster than the rest; known as hemihypertrophy. These tumors, when left alone can grow to be hundreds of pounds, cause sever pain and disfigurement, wrap around organs, muscle and bone, and can actually infiltrate muscle and bone, as well as the fact that they run a risk of malignancy".

Seems like the surgery being moved up is not such a bad thing except, this surgery is not covered by insurance. Seems it's an elective surgery. Yes, that's right, I said elective. As in not completely necessary , you can live with it! Gotta love insurance companies.

I have her donation button on my blog and I have been watching it steadily rise. I was thinking that Abigail's parents would easily meet their goal of 10,000 by June. Well, now they have the same goal but two months less to reach it.

They are doing what they have to do for their daughter, and I'm just trying to help spread the word. Also trying to help is Jillian Raye of Jillian Raye Designs. Proceeds from this ring will go to Abigail s surgery. Jillian is on FB and Etsy.

This is not the post I was originally going to write about Abigail but as Abagail's condition changed so did my post about her. What was originally supposed to be posted will come tomorrow...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thankful Sunday

Did you all Spring ahead last night? I'll be tired all day but loving it tonight when it stays lighter longer.

I'm thankful for the sun coming through the trees this morning and the thought that soon I'll be able to sit outside in the mornings.

And a joyful and thankful correction to my post yesterday. Constance although still threatened by transfer, will still be able to be adopted!!

I'm thankful that the roses I bought last summer and never planted in the ground are still alive! My miracle roses somehow made it through the winter and all this snow above ground. I said a novena to St Terese, last summer and if you've heard of her you know that roses are her thing. She promised to "shower down roses from heaven". I found this rose plant on clearance at the end of last summer, for almost nothing, it was not with the other roses and caught my eye. Beautiful red roses. But I never got it into the ground. I remember thinking , "Well, if St Terese sent these roses than the winter won't kill them".

(and just a note), I don't give any credit to St Terese for answering my prayer. It is only her intercession that I asked her for, just as everyone asks for prayers from family and friends. When your prayers are answered you don't call them and say, "you answered my prayer!" No, you call them and say, "Thank you for praying for me, God has answered my prayer." Sometimes I want to explain things like this because Catholics have gotten a bad wrap in the past and present for worshiping statues and having icons and what not in our churches, have even been called Pagans. It's not true, we only worship God and only He has the ability to answer all prayers.

And I'm thankful for a Sweet Little Boy , who gave Miss Em her first kiss last night. Thankful because it was the cutest thing I've seen in some time and gave us all a good laugh. We had our annual Pasta Dinner last night at school and Em hooked up with a dumpling that was just her size. With a little encouragement from the "older" first graders, my son included, he very gently planted a wet one on her cheek. I wish you could have seen her reaction! Her eyes got as wide as possible and her mouth opened up to form this perfect big round O. He turned around and wiped his mouth with his shirt and she immediately ran after him. It was precious! And of course I was without my camera.

And as I was coming upstairs this morning I remembered we were out of coffee!! But I'm thankful for the sample of Starbucks I remembered I had. Just enough to get me through! A morning without coffee, is no way to start the day... for me or for anyone around me.

And I'm thankful to report Thursday, Sophia and I made it to church. We unfortunately could not walk because her knee was bothering her. And on Friday morning we all went to church (minus Peter and Em). On Friday's during Lent, Andrew's teacher, Mrs. Robinson who is AMAZING, hosts a Breakfast Lent club. All the children are invited to mass at 7:00am, and then back to school for breakfast and games. It is such a beautiful sight to see the kids coming in to church in the morning. They all sit together, and so many participate. It's not mandatory, but they choose to get up early, and go to mass. And it's not just the little ones, lured in by breakfast and games afterwards, so many older grades are there too. It has become one of our favorite traditions at school.

Thinking maybe I'll get outside today and start cleaning up the yard. Whatever you do today have fun and remember Sunday is a day of rest, so enjoy it!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Many Hands Needed, UPDATE

I've just been informed that Constance although still in need of a family and still threatened by being transferred will STILL be able to be adopted! Praise God!

I found Briana's blog, So That They May Have a Voice, this morning and after reading her post I really couldn't think of anything else than literally stealing it and re- posting it here. This is her post and her words, but our problem. Lately I feel as if I'm trying to keep water in a sieve. There are too many holes for me to cover with just my hands. I'm not saying that no one is doing anything, on the contrary many people are doing something,. but when I hear news like this my heart just drops, and I feel like we are fighting a losing battle. Please take a moment to read the following post by Briana, and if you have it in your hearts to please write a post for Constance, spread the word, say a prayer...

Constance is doomed.

Okay...I already posted about her being transferred next month, and she isn't seriously ill or dead. So it can't get much worse, then, right?


I just found out today that Constance is going to be transferred to a place she cannot be adopted out of.

We have two and a half weeks to find her family. If someone commits to her in that time, she will stay at the baby house. If not, she is doomed.

Maybe even years.
Stuck in a crib. Constance has spent four years at a baby house where she has toys, nice caregivers, and lots of other children around to play with - some healthy, some with special needs, but all around her age. She will have to relearn everything.

If I cry out, someone will come and comfort me.
No. Not at an institution they won't. You can cry until your lungs give out. Nobody is going to care.
If I am hungry, I will be fed, and I will have enough to eat.
Possibly. They'll stuff the food down your throat so fast you choke. Whether you're fed enough depends on how fast you swallow. Forget about nutrition; you'll live on mush and broth.
I will be clean and comfortable all or most of the day.
No. Best case scenario, they take a dirty disposable diaper, rinse it off, and put it back on you. Otherwise, you have sheets covered in urine and feces that you will lie in day after day after day.
There is somebody who cares about me and wants me to find a good home.
No. No. No.
They would rather shave your hair off than wash it.
They would rather tie you to your crib to prevent you from self-soothing than stimulate you.
They would rather allow you to die alone than treat any illness you may catch.
There is a way out.
Not after transfer there isn't. After that point, the only way out is to die - and it's likely your death will be a slow and painful one.

We have TWENTY DAYS to find her a family. If, in those twenty days, someone commits to her, she will remain adoptable. I'm not ashamed of begging here: please, please help to find her a family. It will be so worth it if we can save a little girl from losing her one chance to find a family.

Facebook it. Tweet it. Post it on your blog. Email her picture to your friends. And above all, pray.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Five Second Rule

1,2,3, 4...Cinnamon Toast Crunch anyone???

Well at least she waited until I had the vacuum out.

And so proud of herself. Please ...about the shirt... don't ask!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walking And Praying

Welcome to Lent! I love the beginning of lent. I feel like it's a great time to work on myself, get closer to Jesus and just be a better person . I remember as a child always trying to give something up for forty days. Our teachers would ask us, "what are you giving up"? It was always something like candy or gum, a certain TV show or game. I don't think I ever made it through the forty days.

Then as an adult, I still tried to give something up. The "things" were different . Now I would give up "certain words", Ahem...

Alcohol that's a good thing, or yelling at the kids or my husband or the cat. And the same as in my younger days, I never saw day forty.

Then a few years ago at mass, our Pastor suggested something ingenious!! How about adding something to lent. Adding? I'm much better at adding. Adding more prayer, adding more time with someone who needs a friend, adding more time alone with God. Add something! Brilliant!

Add something to your life for forty days. Something good, not more cookies!
And you know what happens? You will start to be able to do without things that you couldn't before. Without even thinking about sacrificing something you just will. Worked like a charm!

Now instead of feeling defeated, and like I failed God because I couldn't keep my forty day promise , I feel like I've really done something.

This year I've got a partner for lent. My Sophia. I've always wanted to add daily mass to my forty days but without a partner I would be setting myself up for complete failure. Mass is at 7:00am, and me and mornings don't really agree. I also need to start walking off my winter layers(which has nothing to do with lent, but I also need a partner for, because I have zero motivation.)
Sophia and I have come up with a plan to walk to mass in the morning and walk home. It's a beautiful way to start the day and it gives us some time together too. Adding something to lent, time with my girl and walking of the pudge, how many birds can you hit with one stone? Sounds like a great plan.

Tomorrow is day one...

Monday, March 7, 2011

From Minute To Minute

Oh how a few hours can change your day, your thoughts, your prayers. The $8000.00 grant for the older girls is gone. Angelina got it! Good for you sweet pea!

Brigita still waits, but with hope...

And Lera still waits, with a family, but still so far away from them.

Remember the momentum we all had last year. Remember all the posts and prayers and pleading. What happened? Why did we stop once Lera got a family? Was it that we were all in such a tither when she kept losing family after family, that when we new she was''safe" we all just breathe a sigh of relief?

I was in a different place last year. The thought of fund raising for someone never entered my mind.

What a difference a year can make. But unfortunately it has been another year that Lera has been waiting. I have a very uneasy feeling about that. A feeling that I didn't do all I could do.

Lera was transferred to an institution. She should be home by now. My heart bottomed out when I heard that. She has a family yet she was transferred.

I feel like the song that is playing right now. Did I sit back and wait for someone to do what God has called me to do?
If I did, then I apologize. I apologize to Lera and to the Higbie Family. We are a family out here. A family that pulls each other along, shares the load and sees each other through, all the way!

Please show your support to Lera and her family. Because of some incredibly beautiful and generous people an amazing fund raiser is happening. Let's take care of Lera, and get her home!

Click here to go to Lera's fundraiser



Miss Brigita is on the older girls page at Reece's Rainbow. They have one account. There individual accounts have been pooled together. The child who gets adopted first gets the money in the account. There is now over $8000.00 in the account. Brigita is not in a good place. She needs a family to step forward NOW! I have gotten word from someone who has seen her that she has some feeding issues , and is not getting the necessary help.

$8000.00 is a lot of money. It could be the defining factor if someone is on the fence. Please help me to spread the word about Miss B. I don't often ask for help, but today I am really looking to you all.

Please just put a quick post up . You can copy this one if you want. Please put it on FB. If we are friends on FB you can just hit the share button. With very little effort, we can reach a lot of people.

I am really depending on you. I can't reach enough people alone. Brigita needs to get a home or I fear the worst for her.

Will you please help me, to help her?? Please don't let this little one be lost.

Thank you!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thankful Sunday

I'm sitting here drinking the absolute worst cup of coffee I have ever made and wondering what I did wrong. UGH, it's terrible. Nothing worse that ruining your morning life line.

It's a dreary day here in RI. No sun today , just rain, but warmer temps so I'm not complaining.

This week I'm thankful for this verse from Matthew 6;34

"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

It was the reading at Mass last week and it has followed me all week. Everywhere I go I see it. I've bumped into it on two or three separate blogs this week, I picked up the bible to the page it is on, it's just everywhere.

I'm thankful Miss Em bounced back after being sick this week. The doctor called it a stomach bug but knowing my daughter I disagree. She has been sick like this about three or four times in her little life and I just don't call it a stomach bug.
Here's the Little Muffin feeling terrible and looking just pathetic. Notice the worried look on her face. Glad to say whatever this thing is that hits her every so often, is gone and she is her happy self again.

And Miss Em had her first dentist appointment this week. She never really warmed up to having her teeth brushed. It was a family effort to pin her down, hold her kicking and wildly flaring legs, open her mouth without getting bit and then someone had to get the toothbrush into her mouth. At that point her hyena strength jaws usually snapped down around it. She's much better now requiring only two people to preform this twice a day act. But I did notice a tiny black speck on her back tooth, so off we went to the dentist. She behaved rather well, biting him only once and controlling her growls. But all is well, it's ok for now, it's not a cavity and will be looked at in six months.

Hope it's sunny where you are today! Have a great Sunday.

And today is the last day to vote for Lily!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Straw Thing

Emmie has finally learned to drink from a straw! No dribbling juice out the side of her mouth either.

Oh the little joys that have turned in to major announcements! I love this world!

And please take a second to go here and vote for Lily,

Her mama is Patti and if she wins this contest , she is giving the money to her son and DIL to put towards their adoption costs!! Please support her by voting. She is always there for all of us!!! lilly is in second place. She has been in first place! Let's help Patti win this!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For Nicholas

This is Nicholas. My very dear friend is his RR warrior. She has an incredible track record. You see Nicholas is her third Reece's Rainbow child that she is praying for. Her first child was Alexander. He has finally got a family. Then there was Evan, and he has a family. Now she is a warrior for Nicholas.

My friend also has another talent. She can quilt like no other. This beautiful quilt is part of her giveaway for Nicholas. This amazing quilt was made with love and prayers. I know this for a fact! She prays while she quilts.

And added to the giveaway just today is this HANDMADE teddy bear, made by her equally talented daughter.

She goes by the blog name Scrappy Quilter and she has become like family to me. She as been with me in blogland since day one. She has become my friend, and through many emails we have gotten to know and love each other. We have laughed and cried and vented together. She has been my adviser and a voice of reason. She has a heart for the orphan that just keeps growing.

Please take a look at her blog and her giveaway. Every Wednesday there will be a new item added. This giveaway is a labor of love. Two hands praying and sewing a quilt to help a baby home.