
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sweet Angelina! : Teamwork Tuesday

Well here is one beautiful little girl, waiting for her family. 

Miss Angelina

Girl, Born March 2008
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
This beautiful muffin, look how she has grown!   She does have a heart condition  and will need to seek a cardiologist and surgery once home.    She needs a family ASAP!
Additional photos available!  SINGLE MOMS and larger families welcome!
$4790.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

In the Garden...

...there is a sleeping baby.  What is she dreaming about?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday: RJ

 Meet, RJ

Boy was born in December 2008
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Look how handsome R.J. is!   Already 3 and facing transfer this year :(    Single moms welcome!


Another beauty from 15H. That's the same region as Carina and the one that has my heart. 

Seems like any child that catches my heart is from 15H

Look at RJ. What a handsome man. This December is his birthday . I wonder if he's a Christmas baby.

He will be four this year. A trip to an institution isn't a great birthday present. 

But a family sure is!!!

Could RJ be your son???????

Monday, July 16, 2012

Because Sometimes We Just Get Bored

Potty training vs  Party hat.
Guess we know what Em prefers.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nothin Like Good Friends

Sitting with her best bud Rob and signing  plane

as it flew over.

Here she's kicking back with a cold one 

And watching all the nuts making a whirlpool.

 Maybe they aren't making a whirlpool at all, but actually trying to take Rob out.

 Poor Rob. But you know how we (the kids) are and you still came over. It's all good ... right?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Down syndrome: 92% 0r 8%

92% of woman will opt for an abortion when they are told the child that they are carrying has Down syndrome.

I know this is not new, news, but it still leaves me stunned.

What have we become?
Why, in this day and age is something like Down syndrome still a death sentence?
Why are 92% of woman  still so afraid of Down syndrome that they think the only alternative is death...death to their child?

A couple anticipates the birth of their child with so much joy. They plan and dream. Mama's hold their bellies at night,  talking and singing to their unborn child. There's a bond formed immediately, a bond that should never be broken.

Why then do 92% of woman who love their babies, sing to their babies and anticipate their babies birth end up terminating their pregnancies. Breaking that mother/child bond?

And please, it's not for the child. It's not a sacrifice so the child does not suffer. It's not because it would be unfair to have a child "like that". It's not so your other children's lives are not ruined by the burden of a disabled sibling.

So why?


Fear, of the unknown. Fear that the child will have health issues. Fear that people will talk about you. Fear that you won't have the "perfect" family anymore. Fear that you will love this child and they will die. Fear that your life will be different or harder.

FEAR makes us do things that we never thought we were capable of doing.

But when we turn and face that fear, we find beauty like we have never known before.

All those fears I mentioned above, were my fears. I don't know if I was more fearful of Emmie dying or of her actually living. I know that sounds harsh, but fear had consumed me.  

I got little or no comfort from the medical community. My friends and family were not familiar with Down syndrome, and I had no idea what to expect.I was scared to talk to anyone who had a child with Down syndrome because I was afraid they would tell me something I couldn't deal with. So I avoided anyone who probably could have really helped me.

92% of woman let fear win.They let fear take away their dreams. They let fear break that beautiful bond. They let fear convince them that the child they loved on Monday, isn't the same child on Tuesday, after a diagnosis. They let fear stop them from singing anymore.
Down syndrome isn't the villain here, FEAR is. 
Down syndrome isn't a bond breaker.
Down syndrome doesn't ruin the family photos.
Down syndrome isn't an embarrassment.


The funny thing is, I bet all 92% of those woman would walk through fire, die any death and face any dangers to protect that child after they were born.  They would be fearless! 

Down syndrome has a way of doing that to you. 

If you give it a chance you will become fearless, strong, and certain that your child is the most amazing creature this world has ever seen.

" Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain."
Mark Twain

Having a baby with Down syndrome was my greatest fear. Having faced that fear, it has become my greatest joy.

If by any chance you are reading this and are thinking about becoming part of the 92%, please think again. Feel free to contact me or your local Down syndrome Society.  

I can only say that being part of the 8% has been the greatest joy of my life. Down syndrome is a path I never would have chosen, out of fear, but now after facing my fears, this path has become the most enchanting garden I've ever seen.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How many days of summer are there???

There are at least one million M&M's inside each bag... just in case you were wondering.

And no, she's not hanging her head in shame, she's trying to stuff all one million M&M's into her mouth....just in case you were wondering..."sigh"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Second Chances Rock!

I lost the glasses : ..  (See previous post)

BUT, they are in good hands and I am picking myself up and moving forward! Plus this was all for Olga and Vanessa, so it's all good :)

Here's my second chance

OH Miss Brigita!!!!! You are coming home soon!!! This lucky, lucky Little Princess Dumpling is just waiting for her mama to come see her!!!!

Dee( her mama) has been working tirelessly since she committed to Brigita and she is almost there!

She too is having an auction to bring her daughter home. Click here to see everything!

Need a peek?

 Here's another Gigi Hill bag.

Something for some precious tiny feet, soooo cute!!

NWT, from Gymboree! 

Hmmm, these look familiar,lol   It's never too early to get ready for Christmas!!! And these are definitely a steal!


Miss B has been waiting so very long

She has no idea how her life is about to change! She smiles now, when she has no mama , no family, no home. Can you imagine how she is going to light up when she realizes she has a mama, all her own, to love her and hold her and chase frogs with her??? OK, Dee hates frogs, I'll do that part,lol

This auction is almost over, so hurry and get bidding to save a Princess!

No bid is too small, no help is too little and no prayer goes unheard.

Please take a look and I'm sure there is something that will grab your attention:)  But not the screwdriver set. OK??

Monday, July 9, 2012

The DSSRI had a New Family Gathering in May and I totally forgot to post these pictures. Em had a BLAST!!! We all did, thanks to the hospitality of the gals, Erin and Sarah at Stony Creek Farm in MA. They ROCK!!!! They really gave us one of the BEST days ever!!!! And Emmie loved her first pony ride! Loved it to the point of a mini meltdown when it was over... that's my girl! her "lovely" attitude scored her two more rides,lol

Junior, The Clydesdale

Em's favorite!

 Most of the animals they have were rescued. The Clydesdale was Em's favorite. Figures the horse that could use her as a toothpick she wanted to snuggle with!  Not to mention the fact that Em thought it was a hoot to walk right under the horses, they kept reaching down to grab(very gently) her lovely "hay" colored hair!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Don't Touch These Glasses They're Mine!!

I love these!!!! Seriously love these glasses! What A HOOT!

These adorable glasses are, I'm sorry to say, NOT up for grabs. So back off. 

But all these beautiful items are!!! 

Click here to see them

And it all goes to bring home these beauties!!!

Miss Vanessa

And miss Olga


There are  72  ...71 (because those glasses are mine,hehe) AMAZING items to bid on!!!!

Now just in case you're not convinced to follow the link and see the beautiful items , I'll give you just a preview.

For starters the artwork is PRICELESS!!!!!

 This original was done by a Princess! A princess named Olga! yes, the one and only :)

or how about this Reece's Rainbow inspired bracelet

Love you a little Matryoshka? Check these out

 And of course there's something for the fashionista too. Gigi Hill Purse anyone???

And just a tip... there's no bids on this baby yet. Could snatch it up for an unbelievable bargain price!! And be helping save to Dumplings. Win , win situation!

So here's that link one more time... LINK TO THE ABELL AUCTON


And one more thing about "my" glasses. Nothing would make me happier than being out bidded! ;)

Friday, July 6, 2012

13 Going on...



When you smile and laugh, all is right with the world.You sparkle and shine!!

 Lucky 13!

May you be covered in blessings this year!

love you more,