
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Olivia Anne, Happy Sweet Sixteen and, Thank You...

On September 18th 1997, I became a mother. The day before my birthday and right on her due date, Olivia Anne came bursting onto the scene. I was blinded and completely in love with this little bundle of mine. I hadn't a clue what to do with her but, boy oh boy, did I love her!

Looking back now, I am realizing how amazingly blissful those first few years of motherhood were. Those sweet lazy days, no rush to be anywhere, except maybe the park.  Just you, me and Special Bear.  

But, Liv, my sweet girl, you insisted on growing. And soon our sweet blissful days became just a memory. But such a treasured one. Thank you for those days...

Our days soon became busy, with the arrival of Sophia. Such a firecracker, good thing you were there to help mama. How we would sit and laugh as Baby Sophie got into "something" and needed a helping hand.  The two of you would sit and play(what you wanted) and sing (what you told her to). And I would sit and count  my blessings. Thank you for those days...

And soon you were a little girl. No sign of that baby, or toddler remained. You had your own girlfriends and play dates and of course ballet. Oh, and there were noisy crazy birthday parties. And late nights with giddy girls at sleepovers, where no sleeping was allowed. Bad moods and meltdowns were introduced... that was interesting...   Braces and manicures and big girl haircuts. And I thought these years will never end. And I smiled. But alas, my love, you still insisted on growing even more.  And more treasured memories were tucked away, safely in my heart. Thank you for those days...

And then you became a teenager... WOW!  Good bye to St. Peter School and hello to  high school , more ballet, Stress was now a steady part of your life. I watched how you learned to balance honor classes with long ballet classes mixed with even longer rehearsals. Homework, family life, friends, tough times, disappointments and  accomplishments. And I watched you somehow pull it all together and make it work. And I was proud. These are the days we are in right now.  Thank you for these days...  I treasure them, as I know these too will soon become a memory.

As you turn 16 today, I wanted to take this time to thank you. Thank you for just being you. For always loving me. Thank you for overlooking all my short comings and mistakes... there have been plenty, and will most likely be plenty more. I am also a work in progress. 

I look forward to the days yet to come. I'm excited to see where they will lead you. One thing I know for sure, is that.. I will smile, I will be proud and my heart will be bursting with treasured memories.

Happy Sweet Sixteen, Liv
Love you more...

P. S  I think you are most beautiful when you smile....

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our Mission/Calling/ Joy.. International Adoption Ministy

Yeah, I know I usually try to lure you in with some cute photo of Miss Em. Well, today there is none. I have Peter's computer and I'm photoless. 

All I have is a request. We are now the proud parents of a non- profit organization! 

Peter has worked like a dog to get this started. Plus he had to work with me... no easy task , as I can be a royal pain in the backside(as I've been told) 

Anyway it's called International Adoption Ministry. (I.A.M)

Our purpose is too raise money to help families who are in the final stages of an International adoption.

Reason? Well, for a long time I've advocated for orphans with special needs( I will continue that!!!) and through that I have meet a lot of AMAZING families. I donate as much as I can but lets face it, we're broke.Five dollars really will break us at times. 

Why the final stages?  As I have watched families fund raise it seems that most start out really well. Money comes in faster at the beginning than at the end. So many times there has been this frantic fund raising either right before a family travels (because they haven't got enough funds to travel ) or when they are already in country  because something causes them to be detained and again they are low on funds and the panic begins. That's when we want to be able to help. To be able to take that stress away from a family by supplying those last few hundreds or thousands of dollars that are such a bugger to raise. What a freaking joy that would be! 

So I thought wouldn't it be awesome if we could actually help families through a non profit. I mean it's going to take a lot of work, and time and probably some swear words(from me not Peter) But what the heck, if it works we could really help out!


We have a brand new Facebook page. I'd love it to overflow with likes and shares!!! No money needed just a few clicks. 

We're so excited about this. Please share in our excitement and be a part of it! 
Check us out , International Adoption Ministry