
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sometimes Being Sad is Okay.

It's "our" last day of preschool..

Today is going to suck... just sayin.

I've been trying to make the best of today. Counting our blessings and what not. But you know what? Today is just going to be sad. I am happy for the amazing three years Em had with her beyond amazing team at Drum Rock, but my heart hurts to think today will be the last time she interacts with them. The last time I drop her off and see Libby's beautiful smile waiting to take Em inside. The last time Ms. Lisa will have Em in her class and the last time I will sit in line as #25 waiting to pick up Em, and the last time she is with all her friends . 

I've decided to just be sad today.   

I don't have the energy to suck it up.

Sometimes being sad is okay.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Time To Say Thanks..

Alarm buzzing at the crack of dawn.
Day beginning , coffee brewing.
Kids still sleeping, that won't due, too much happening.
It's Culmination Day!
Costumes, pointe shoes, Sophia your Character shoes!!!!!
Seriously no toothpaste? Dads up he can run!
Nothing for lunches, they have a long day, pick up something on the way.
Leaving late, mom is stressed, kids are fine, no concept of time.
Warm up class has begun, two ballerinas just five minutes late.

Back on the road to the bakery I go.
Strawberry cheesecake for a dear old dad.
Back at home, not looking too good.
Vacuum and dust let the gerbil out.
Bathroom is clean laundry is switched.
Baby is bathed and mama is too!
All before noon...  

First show is over, wonder how my girls did.
A short rest for them then show number two.
Tickets are bought, and flowers to buy. 
Will tonight ever come!

Sharing his day, he mows the lawn.
Never complaining, he carries on.
Our joys are his, he cares for us first.
He seems to go unnoticed. His just gets thing done 
I'll be the first to admit.
That sometimes we forget all that he did.

 I know it's not easy, taking care of us all.
At times we're demanding and not fun at all.
But today is your day, so I say to you.
Happy Father's Day, Peter.
Thank you, for all that you do.

Friday, June 13, 2014

My 1000th Post! A Full Moon, Friday The 13th, And My Baby Graduated Preschool!

WHAT A  DAY!!!! I've been out here in Blog Land for just over five years now. I love it! This blog is my heart. I write about my family , my passions, and my sunshine. I've made friends that I may never meet in person but have joined souls with. I love you and I love your children... you all know who you are.

I laughed with you and cried with you and vented with you.

So, how befitting that my 1000th post would fall on today. One of the biggest days of my five years here!

Emilia Faith has graduated from Preschool! 

She wore her cap (her way) tassel in the middle. She wore her prettiest dress. And brand new sandals.

She sang all the songs and danced along.  

After there was Italian ice!

This is her warning look. She has absolutely no intentions on sharing her treat.

And if you get too close , she will go for the throat! (Sigh) Yeah we're working on that choke hold.

She received her diploma from the best teacher EVER! 

And we are so thankful for Anastasia. The best friend EVER!  

Tonight we will eat cake. This was definitely a cake worthy accomplishment!

Love you all who continue to follow my blog and love my girl. So glad I have you all to share this with. You understand how huge this day is! 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Can You Do TBT On A Blog?

I don't know if it's a "bloggy" thing or not. But this is Andrew exactly 5 years ago. My last preschool graduate. 

How cute is he!

Tomorrow is Miss Em's turn! And yes, this is will be a cake eating celebration.

We just went out an bought her new sandals to wear tomorrow. She was so bad in the store we out in about 3 minutes flat. She does not enjoy shopping. That was the fastest shoe purchase in history!!

When Busy Gets The Best Of You

This time of year brings with it the sweet sounds of summer, the longing for the beach, the smell of the grill, and anxiety and stress that can kill a horse!

I long for quiet days in my garden. I enjoy pulling weeds and getting dirty, washing my feet with the hose and cooling off with a cold iced tea. I love nights on the deck watching the sun set and listening to the birds settling in for the night.

But for the next two weeks that won't be happening. We all have our times where we are too busy to even think straight and this is mine. 

Right now I have a pain on the side of my head caused by the Miss Teen RI Pageant. On the other side of my head is an extreme throbbing brought on by endless hours of rehearsals my girls are going through for their ballet culmination. 

Driving and cleaning and cooking and filling out forms that can't be filled out because we don't have the proper things needed, fund raising and deadlines and costumes and toe tape and don't forget the freaking false eyelashes! Exams and projects and field trips, teacher gifts!!! 

My front lawn is knee high and the back is covered in clover. I cringe when I pull up to my house because this is not how it should look. But unless we mow the lawn at midnight it will have to wait a few more days.

I love the summer and the slower pace, but the hoops we need to jump through to get to that blessed time may kill me this year.

Busy has overwhelmed me and I feel inadequate and  hostile! My mood is ... Sybil like. Let's just say you never know which personality will come shining through. 

I am feeling the need to take a time out. I'm beyond deep breathing, or simple relaxation tricks to help me. I think I need to pull out the big guns. 

Fingers crossed I don't go postal before June 20th because on  June 21st you will find me happy and content, knee deep in my garden. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Bittersweet Accomplishment

For the past five years I've been plugging away at this blog in the efforts to relay a message. 

A message of hope to anyone who may stumble upon us and be drifting in the same boat we were in when we found out Em would be born with Down syndrome. 

A message of encouragement. You and your family will be okay.

A message of  Community. You are not alone. There are more of us out here who went through the same feelings and emotions that you are going through. Reach out to us! 

I've shared all of Emilia's accomplishments here. Everything from sitting up, to walking, to her first words.

Today I share one that seemed so far away when she was born I thought it would never get here. 

On Friday my "baby" will be graduating  preschool. In the blink of an eye it's over. A huge part of her life is ending and  another adventure with Em is on the horizon... KINDERGARTEN!

My girl did it! And did it well!

She learned to count, and definitely knows the letter "E" . She can sing and climb and paint and read me stories. She can draw. She has made friends and touched the lives of everyone she has come in contact with at her AMAZING school. No one there will ever forget who Emmie was, and we will never forget them. They loved her like she was theirs and for that I am eternally thankful. 

Tears are flowing now as I type this and on Friday I'll be an ugly mess,but my heart is bursting for my girl! 

How I wish the world could see our kids for what they are, and what they bring with them. They are treasures and miracles. Many words describe my Em, but burden is not and never will be one of them.

She is the joy we didn't realize was missing from our lives.

Be back on Friday with pictures of the Emmie's graduation!