
Saturday, May 16, 2009

And the blind shall see... least a little. My mother has been loosing her eyesight since I was a little girl.One eye was completely blind and the other was following close behind. By the age of 10 I could challenge any seeing eye dog,dare them even double dog dare them. I was good.I had to be,my Mom depended on me to guide her safely. She, somehow never lost her independence, even with her failing eyesight she continued to cook, clean, and take excellent care of me .When I got married and moved out, she kept up her apartment on her own. Over the last 5 years there has been a huge decline in her vision. She can't see anything but shadows, so she hasn't seen her sweet grandchildren. She remembers Olivia and Sophia as small little girls and Bella as a baby. Andrew and Emmie are only a vision in her mind.Eye doctors in the past have all but given up, we all did. Let me mention that my mother has never complained or lost faith.She's not thrilled and has definitely let God know(in a nice way) but her faith has stood strong.We were always hoping for a medical miracle... well, my mom went to a new doctor,who saw a huge cataract on her eye. He told her when he removed it ,she should be able to see something. At first I was upset at him, I thought he was giving her false hope.I didn't want her to get her hopes up.I mean it's been so long since she's seen anything. Thursday morning she had the surgery, everything went well.I talked to her Thursday night and she felt good,no pain.I didn't even ask if she could see anything.This morning I got a message from my mom.It went like this. "Hi Steph, it's mom, when you get a chance can you give me a call, I have something good to tell you... I saw a tree today, and a house." I had to listen to it twice, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Of course I did call her and she proceeded to tell me that she picked out a stripped shirt from her closet. She couldn't even see her closet before. She can see her stove and kitchen sink.There is no color yet but we are not complaining.She went on and on telling me what she could see.Now it's not crystal clear but it's something... it's a miracle. Her doctor is going to do a laser treatment on her (for free) that should give her about 20% more vision. He never doubted. Now why did he have faith when no one else did? I thank God for putting my mom in the care of this wonderful doctor. Hopefully, she will be able to see all those grandchildren soon.


  1. That is just awesome. I'm so thrilled for you and your family. God moves in mysterious ways.

  2. Faith,hope and never giving up ... lessons to be learned by us all.Bestowed upon us by not only those who have walked this earth for many years but in my case by a little love of barely two.It's all beautiful.Wait till she gazes at that sweet Emmie!!

  3. This is Joyce. What a beautiful story!! I am so happy for you, your mother and the grandchildren she will soon see. What an amazing gift from this doctor, with a little divine intervention I'm sure.

  4. What a miracle indeed. I'm so happy your mom will now be able to see her grandchildren. That is totally cool.

  5. That is awesome! It teaches us all to never loose faith!

  6. Are you kidding me?!? This IS a MIRACLE!!! What truly fabulous news for your Mom, I am so happy for her!! I will call you later weird is this, my Mom just had eye surgery last Thursday too!! Freaky huh!? Love, Me ....So happy for you too, I know how much this means to you!!

  7. Oh, this story just brightened my day. Sounds like your mom was deserving of this miracle. Be sure to tell us when she sees her grandchildren again!
