
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Common Ground

It's early... a little too early. Thanks Em! Any way, I'm up, everyone else is still sleeping, Emilia went back to sleep too, so, what to do... watch the sun come up on this soon to be very busy Sunday, and sit quietly with my thoughts. My thoughts... most of the time they are running wild, trying to catch up to me , my days, the chaos I call life. Stress has hit our family, sort of sucker punched us, it's reared it's ugly head too many times over the last two years and has affected us all. My thoughts are usually , what in the world is for dinner, why is Andrew crying, AGAIN! Hurry up we're going to be late, stop that fighting , clean up this mess and occasionally... where is the baby? The baby.... sweetness, calmness, love. She is our refuge, our oasis. She slows us down, she commands our attention. She soothes our aching heads. We are her puppets, our legs will run to her, our mouths will sing to her, our arms will hold her and our hearts, well.... they are hers forever. Life is hectic, unruly and much like a circus, but Emilia has become our center, our focus. Our cornerstone. One small delicate creature has so much power over us. Without even trying she brings us together, unites us. We work in unison to please her, we are all on the same team. We forget our worries, our differences are discarded. Her timing into this world was perfect, there was no mistake. I truly thought Emilia's "condition" would be what pushed me and the rest of us, right over the edge, but our little miracle worker did just the opposite. She has gently lead us to a safer place, a beautiful place. She is our common ground, and around her we build our strength. She is the air we breathe.


  1. Em is beautiful! Yes, an oasis. Brought smiles to our faces this morning, too.

    Around here it's the backed-up plumbing. Not the end of the world, really, but a ratty inconvenience. We needed a smile! Liz and company

  2. That little muskrat hat is way too adorable on Em!! Morning Bud!! All I can say is that YOU AMAZE me my dear friend, amaze me every day!! Love, Love, Love, Me :)

  3. OH... That was beautiful. I have to agree with you 100%. We love our little Justin and would be completely lost with out him. What a joy!

  4. Isn't it amazing that what put us into financial ruin, depression, and craziness, also is our calm in the storm. If I just hold Jax for a minute all my troubles go away.

  5. Beautifully said Stephanie!!! I like to have reminders of just how wonderful our life is with Ella. But you have given me a new perspective on just how much she does for our family...Thank you!!! I LOVE all the pics of Emmie!!! She is really getting some personality.

  6. That was absolutely breath taking. What a wonderful thought for me to read this beautiful Sunday morning. Thank you.

  7. What wonderful words said in this post. She is incredibly beautiful, those eyes, those eyes. I love the little muskrat hat on her, too cute. It always brings tears to my eyes when I read these precious posts. You are such a blessing!!

  8. She just EXUDES joy. She is so beautiful. Stephanie this is such a beautiful post. You so eloquently, yet simply, but into words how I feel about John. No matter what else I may feel about the medical issues, the prejudice, the added stress, John is our family's common ground too, someone who brightens up every day.

  9. She's so beautiful and what a beautiful post!

  10. It looks like from other comments that that coonskin cap pic is loved by all!! Just precious!

    Your words too - so sweet! There is something that the world calls "accidental" and God says, "What are you talking about? An accident? No - a perfect treasure!!"

    Our Jubilee we are waiting for is supposedly mentally delayed...she may live with us forever...we are ready and excited!

    And I'm sorry your life has had so many struggles...too bad you weren't near...from one mama who has also had a few struggles this last year...we could go for coffee!


  11. Okay, FIRST of all, you seriously do have "THE CUTEST BLOG ON THE BLOCK" with that header! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that picture!!
    Sweet post Stephanie, isn't it amazing how much our little angels change our world? First we fear they will change the world, as we knew it, in a negative way... then once they are here, we realize how wrong we were! They fill our life with a joy we have never known, and because of them we are better people, atleast that is my take on it!!
