
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Many Faces of Emilia

I got such a sweet response from everyone on Emilia's picture I thought I would share the others we took of her. This whole new blog design was inspired by that lovely headband. My friend Jamie made it for her, and I just had to coordinate the background to match. I've matched an outfit around shoes, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be matching a blog around a headband. And look Lacey... the comb over is gone!

Most of the pics are blurry because she will not sit still.

I liked this one but I wanted her to sit up straight so I could "show off" her dress.

I love this one ( above). I wish it came out clear.

OK, this picture above is hysterical. My sweet cross eyed baby. Her smile could not get any bigger.Olivia and Sophia really wanted to use this one but it was not the look I was going for. Emilia's eyes pull inward, most of the time it's not too noticeable but it's actually exaggerated in this pic. The funniest thing, Sophia made this face and she and Em looked exactly alike. This picture will forever make me smile. Oh this baby, she is such a character already.

This one was good but she was looking the wrong way.

You can see the late night bags under her eyes here.
That's it. Emilia was a good sport as usual and we did this in about five minutes, but we're still laughing about it.


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THESE!!! This just totally made for a nice finish to my stressful day. Can we maybe meet somewhere in the middle of the US??? I need to see that happy baby..I just know that she and Ella would be bestest friends :)

  2. OH MY GOD!!!! I LOVE THESE PICTURES BUD!!!! They are Awesome!! I love what you did with all the kids pictures too! They ALL look alike now-wow! Beautiful job bud, beautiful!!! xoxo

  3. Those are absolutely adorable!!! Thanks for sharing, those are so very precious and made my day!

  4. Y'all are making a real ham out of that little cutie! Showed her picture to my husband last night. Brought a smile here.

    When our son was little he'd have three or four birthdays at a time because everybody couldn't get there on the same day. He got to thinking that was normal for a birthday. We finally got him down to one per year. He'll be twenty-four next month. Still my little fellow.

  5. Oh my goodness I just LOVE these pictures! What a precious and happy girl she is! Love them!

  6. What a little sweetheart she is...I came across your cute blog and wanted to say hello! I have met so many new people this week in the blog world with children same ages as mine...She is just too cute for words! Love all the pics! My name is Darlena BTW...hope to keep up with you all.

  7. Thanks for sharing...She is seriously the most Photogenic 9 month old I've ever seen. I bet she is just a hoot! And in 5! The blog matches her bow very well, good job.

  8. She is such a cutie!! I love all the pics -- it must have been hard trying to decide which one to use :)

  9. They and she are absolutely adorable. She is just the cutest little button.

    Check our my blog...there is something there for you. Hugs.

  10. Adorable! She is such a sweet little character.

  11. She has the BEST smile! How can anyone ever have a bad day after looking at her? So cute!

  12. Oh those are the cutest pictures. I love them:)

  13. OMGoodness, could she get any cuter?

    I am doing a post next week that features face shots of several children with Ds. Would you mind if I included your pretty girl? You can let me know on my blog or email me ds.mama @ yahoo dot com. Thanks!
