
Monday, August 17, 2009

Emmie's New Trick

I haven't updated any of Emmie's accomplishments lately. So here is her new "trick"(no she did not pull herself up, she still needs help getting up). I don't think this child has any intentions on crawling. Much to the dismay of her PT. I think she's going to hold out until she can walk.And she has two bottom teeth. She's wasn't working with me so I don't have a picture of them, but they are definitely there. OUCH!!


  1. Way to go Miss Emmie ... a whole new world is waiting to bust open!What fun and what appreciation we have for these seemingly expected milestones with our other ones.The gift of these little loves keep on coming.

  2. Love it!! Your PT is like our OT was!! I enjoyed every milestone M had. It's so neat to read blogs and to see other families celebrating them too. Even neater is the fact we can all celebrate with you.

  3. Awesome standing Emmie!! I love it when they reach these milestones that sometimes seem so out of reach!

  4. hi there we are a new bloggers, you have a beautiful little girl! How old is she...I think mine wont waist any time on crawling either, walking is more fun...Love from Iceland :)

  5. Wahoo for standing!! That is just totally awesome! You go Miss Emmie!!

  6. Nice Job, Emmie. You are getting soooo strong.

  7. No pics of the front teeth? No worries... when you have a tush that cute who cares?!

  8. Super job standing, Em!!!!
    Ruby just got her two bottom front teeth in and we can't get a pic either.Her sister's and I have all felt them though ;)
