
Monday, September 14, 2009

Thankful Sunday on Monday

Well, I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I'm posting my Thankful Sunday anyway. Yesterday I sat and tried to post, but couldn't find anything to be thankful for. I could have easily posted a Truly feeling Sorry for Myself post with the greatest of ease. I know tsk, tsk, tsk. Let's see if I can counteract doom and gloom with something a little brighter. Sort of try to think of my cup as half full, instead of about to spill all over the carpet.

I have spondoylolisthesis, it's a miserable back condition, chronic and painful. What breaks my heart is when Andrew asks me to play trains with him. I know if I sit on the floor with him I'm going to feel like I was hit by a train. He is always asking me if my back feels better. Not a very thankful situation. But, I'm going to a sport and spine specialist who I feel really cares. He has had me tested for just about everything under the sun(results not in yet), just in case there are any other issues causing me so much pain. I now have pain in my hips and legs. I am THANKFUL that I will hopefully get to the bottom of a 30 year problem ... yes I just wrote 30 year problem... since I was a kid. And I am also THANKFUL for the meds that he prescribed for me. I can actually sleep through the night, without waking up in pain.

My hubby is a real estate broker, in this economy it's kind of like selling hot cocoa in the desert.Needless to say our well is more than a little dry right now. The constant stress has taken it's toll on the two of us. I don't remember the last time he actually went to bed. He's up all night working literally until he passes out . What I'm THANKFUL for is that real estate is constantly changing and eventually it will get better. I'm also THANKFUL that Peter is on top of things. He's good at what he does.

And I'm THANKFUL for being reminded by Peter last night that whatever happens we have each other. We are together, the kids are healthy. That's all that really matters.

And I am THANKFUL that on these gloomy days, God puts people in my path that brighten my day with just a simple word or two or a kind gesture. Today at the grocery store a sweet man made a fuss over Emilia and said" God Bless You". And another women did the same. A double blessing, I'll take it.
I know I've posted that picture before but it was very suiting for today's post.


  1. Oh... I love this. I too understand the economy and the well running dry. Ours is a similar situation. Tyler works in a commission only industry... which means, nobody wants to invest. Not good. I have to remember all the amazing blessings that I do have right now.
    I'm thankful for you my blog buddy!

  2. Hi I just found your blog today and what a precious family you have,I would love to keep up. April

  3. I know its hard sometimes to look at the good. Lord knows it happens to me all the time. But you do feel better when you realize what you do have. I'm so grateful me and my hubby have gotten closer since Jax. Sounds like you and your hubby are the same.

  4. I'm so sorry for the pain. When your back hurts, I think everything hurts. DH has been having a hard time with his for some time now. We were about to despair when one doctor sent him to another, and it was just the right thing. Really getting some help now. It just took the right person with the particular viewpoint and expertise. No one had seen what this one saw right away. Don't give up. But I know it's hard. As for the economy . . . . we're all guessing aren't we? Do you ever read Large Family Mothering/Sherry Hayes? You might enjoy her blog. Praying for you and yours. Hugs, Liz

  5. Oh Stephanie, I feel your pain. I have spondoylolisthesis too! Every night when I lie down my leg is throbbing or tingling. I did PT for it when John was a baby, but really have been remiss because well you know, mom always takes care of everyone else first and herself last.

    I must admit the back pain makes the Ds harder to deal with some time. Carrying around John for an extra year has not helped my back at all. Thank goodness he is walking now! I hope Emilia is an earlier walker

    I'm glad to hear the meds your doctor is giving you are working. Stress and back pain are not a good combo--and sometimes it is a case of which came first the chicken or the egg. Hope things get easier, but how lucky and blessed you and your husband are to have each other to lean on, and to remind each other of all the good, happy things you have that fill your life.

  6. I love that even though things don't look good now - there is always something to be thankful for. You are right - you have each other and that is most important. Plus you have a sweet little girl who could put a smile on anyone's face!

  7. Awe dear friend, I'm thankful that even through the trials you're going through, you can still be thankful. You're now on my prayer list. Love and hugs..

  8. Oh Bud, if I could give you my back I would! I love you and wish you pain free days breaks my heart to know of your pain...hang in, you have more prayers coming your way....ALWAYS!!! Love You Tons, Me xo

  9. How blessed you are to have Emilia. God gives us such beautiful gifts in our lives. She is beautiful ... I hope that life will take a kinder step toward your job & medical issues. Prayers will be lifted ...

    Pop over & visit my friend Gail's 2d day at blogging ~

    TTFN ~Marydon
