
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And Then There Was One

This was Emmie last night, feeling much more like herself. I owe it all to the prayers you all said for her. Last night , or rather early this morning Andrew was hit and Sophia looks like she might be next. I'm keeping her home from school just in case. No need for a phone call telling me to come and pick her up.So the only one standing is Bella, my little hypochondriac. Funny, the one who thinks she's always sick is the only healthy one. She washes her hands the most, and won't get within ten feet of anyone sick.
Olivia is getting better too. Still has a fever, but got up for awhile last night. I'm just grateful it's not the flu.
Well, got to fly and take my one healthy kid to school.


  1. I'm glad Emmie is feeling better. Hopefully it hurries through the other kids so their not miserable for long.

  2. What a relief for you that atleast Emmie seems better, she certainly looks it, what a happy happy smile on that sweethearts face. Hopefully the others get back on their feet just as quick.

  3. It took me awhile to try to figure out how to respond to your post on Tomas' blog. I finally gave up and came to post on yours. Your children are beautiful. I haven't had a chance to read back to get Emmie's full story but I will. I came accross Jaxon's on a friend's blog and it just wrapped me up. All of the mom's of the blogs I read just astound me. We are all stretched and kneaded and molded into something beyond ourselves when we are entrusted with these babies. Thanks for popping in to Tomas' world.

    I'm so sorry 5/6ths of your kiddos are sick. You must be exhausted. I hope it is a quick one for your sake and theirs.

  4. Glad Em is feeling better.Hope your other kiddos get well quickly.Love the pics of Em precious as always:)

  5. What a relief she is feeling better. I hope the rest of the kids are soon feeling better too. Great picture of Em.

  6. so happy to hear Emmie is felling better:) super cute pictures:) hope the rest of the family is feeling better really soon.

  7. Arg, looks like the domino effect is going on at your place...
    So glad the little princess is feeling better, maybe you should re do her birthday party this weekend, surely that wouldn't be a hassel or anything... LOL!

  8. Hang in there!!! Just think you are getting all your sickies over with before the holidays are here. Here's to the rest of the year being sick free :)!

  9. What a sweet picture. Glad to hear everyone is doing better and it's not lingering around too long!

  10. im hoping the last one standing stays standing. being sick is NO fun!

  11. Happy to find some are on the mend.Hoping Bella misses it all together and then there is Em ... look at that face ... it says it all!
