
Friday, October 16, 2009

Gimme Pie!

This crazy little girl makes me laugh so hard.She loves her pie! Had to drag in my Hubby to help me post a video of this. This is something she used to do months ago but then she stopped. She has started again, but only when she's in her highchair. The more I laugh the more she does it. She just knows she is doing something cute.


  1. OH MY GOD!!! That is just the most adorable precious thing I witnessed. I had to see it over again. Isn't she just too cute!!!! Love her

  2. Oh my goodness that is just the cutest thing ever!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh...that is so cute!! Ella will do a sound like that when she is trying to crawl away from me really fast.

  4. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Thanks for posting the video, made me giggle.

  5. Awww How cute!!! I miss you guys sooo much :( Emmie is the cutest and that video is hilarious I love it...Im so excited to see you guys for christmas...wish it could be sooner...xoxoxoxoxoxxooxoxxooxoxxoxooxxoxooxoxoxoxoxxoxooxoxoxoI love you guys with all my heart!!

  6. so CUTE! I could watch that over & over.

  7. That is just adorable. Can't wait to see what she does for birthday cake. YUM!

  8. Hahaha.... that is so cute! She made me smile!

  9. Oh my gosh that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I just want to squeeze her.

  10. Well if that isn't enough to keep you in the kitchen baking pies, I don't know what is! PRECIOUS!

  11. Oh my how did I miss this. That is so stinking cute. Just like a little birdie!! I too could watch this over and over again.

  12. That is so cute. Carter does the same thing in his high chair when he is excited about something. So, so cute - it is fun to see her in action!
