
Friday, October 23, 2009

Let Her Eat Cake!

We had a cake for Emmie last night, right around bedtime! Thursday's are the worst day of the week. But a girl just has to have a bite of cake on her very first birthday. So yes it was a late night , but worth it.

She knew just what to do. The video of this is hilarious, I will have to post it another day. Her big party is on Sunday. And thanks to some very good advice from her friend Princess Saira, Emmie is going to know just what to do.

Thank you for all the beautiful birthday wishes!


  1. Oh wow looks like Emilia really enjoyed her cake, how adorable is that!!! and just look at her face, she is having a ball. These are such cute pictures. And from the sound of it Emmie has a party to look forward to as well...lucky girl :) All the best for that and congratulation on a great 1st year with Emilia

  2. She really put herself into that! The party should be a blast. ~Liz

  3. How precious. Looks like she's loving her cake :-) Happy 1st Bday sweet girl.

  4. You tear into your cake the same way I do sweet girl! Enjoy it... Happy #1

  5. Oh how I'd love to be there for her birthday party. She is so cute. What great pictures. And yes she definitely knew what to do with that cake. Hugs..
