
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Prayers For Kristen!!!

This is not going to be an eloquent post. I'm freakin mad. I'm mad at something no one can touch or predict or control, you can't hear or see it coming. The devil's disease, CANCER. There is the sweetest girl, her name is Kristen, I've been following her since before I started my blog.
She has bravely fought and beaten the crap out of cancer three times. It looks like the monster could be back for a fourth time!
I'm disgusted, And when I don't know what else to do to help some one, when I feel completely helpless, I turn to you all for prayers. I've had requests for prayers for others in the past, and now I'm asking again, to please pray for Kristen and her family. If you know her then you know what a sweetie she is, if you don't know her please go to visit her. You'll fall in love.
Please send her your prayers. I can't believe they are dealing with this for the fourth time. It's unreal!!


  1. There is just no understanding sometimes. I'm so sorry.

  2. so sorry! sending my prayers to her!

  3. This is such terrible news, I just went over to Krtistins blog and my heart goes out to her. Such a lovely girl, why is the world so cruel at times? I will never understand. I will be keeping Kristin in my prayers and praying for a miracle.

  4. When I read her blog I just sat and stared at the screen for 10 minutes. Your so right in saying its the devils disease. Its neverending. I am so close to her but I just don't know what to do for her. She's hand delivered blankies to me, and brought donughts with just to be nice. I'm just sick, sick.

  5. It's so sad what cancer does. Makes me angry too. Prayers being said.

  6. You are so amazing! Thank You so very much for posting about Kristen. I know many more prayers are being offered in her behalf. Your family is so adorable!

  7. Thanks for sharing Steph. I know what you mean, sometimes 'pissed off' is where the emotions tend to go in situations like these!
    Prayers indeed for beautiful Kristen and her family!!
