
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Coming!

Snowfall on trees, Germany.

Well it's almost Valentines Day and with it's arrival brings the traditional nor'easter! Just wondering if any one else celebrates Valentines Day this way? With a dumping of the white stuff. Every year we wait and seriously every year it comes. Not on the exact day of the 14th but always around it,since the blizzard of 78', which we are still twitching over. We are scarred for life from that one. I try to control myself, but at the mere mention of snow I send Peter to the store for milk and bread. I've been watching the blog updates, a lot of you have been heavily snowed upon.You've posted your beautiful pictures and I guess it's my turn. Can't say I'm really looking forward to it. but if you can't beat them, join them! You can't stop Mother Nature.

We'll put the bikes away and take out the sleds, stay home from school.
When life deals you another unwanted snow storm... make hot chocolate.


  1. I agree! Snow storms are fun for families. Sledding is a lot of hard work but worth it because of all the fabulous weeeeeeeeeee's! Enjoy!

  2. Terry and I lived through the Ice Storm of '98 and I have to say that was something else. That was during our pre-kids era so it was easy to manage without power for two weeks. But it was tiresome!

    The extravagant snowfalls last year, and the year before, in Ottawa, was crazy. And truth be said, I am relieved (*knock on wood!) that we have a manageable amount of snow right now.

    I'm anxious to be done with Ole Man Winter!

  3. I'm knocking on wood as I say this, but we've had a mild winter, all the snow is melted off my yard and I love it!

  4. I am so jealous, I love HUGE snow storms and we really haven't had any at all this year. It's been very very mild to non-existant. OH well, guess we will get ours next year?

  5. We are waiting for it here in NJ, as well. Last weekend was a bust for us, but expect tonight's/tomorrow's to be significant.
    Hope you have fun!

  6. Great way to make it positive! I'm with Lacey (as we live not too far from one another) and I am so thankful the snow has melted from my yard! Bring on the spring! Stay warm!

  7. Stephanie,
    I'll tell you what I told Heather. I started my blog as a sort of therapy to write out what was in my head, but it became so much more. All these amazing people are out here that I never knew about. I am so glad to have come across all these powerful, powerful mothers. It is yet another gift Tomas has brought to my life. Thank you for praying for us. It is so strange to become so very attached to families I've never met, but reading the updates is something I've come to look forward to every day.

  8. I'm with Lacey and Emily - our snow is gone and we are ready for spring. However, if you do get a storm hot chocolate sounds like it will do the trick!

  9. Gosh I just can't imagine so much snow or such temperatures for that matter. I love the cold but not sure if I'd still like it so much after months of it!! Beautiful picture!

  10. ha, we've got nothing here but old, wold blustery wind but I think we'll have some cocoa just the same. :-)
