
Friday, March 26, 2010

The Water in The Toilet Goes Round And Round...

Completely fascinated! This is her first encounter of the toilet bowl. You should have seen her face when she saw what it could do!

She had to go in for a better view!

* no she did not touch or drink any water.

Oh yeah! By the look on her face it was all worth it!

And no tour of the bathroom is complete without sitting in the sink.
Actually, Peter had gotten her all nakey for the bubble, he was playing with her and telling her what a cute bum bum she has , you know all the typical Daddy in love stuff. All of a sudden he holds her out at arms length and says"She's peeing "! I was at the tub with Andrew and completely hysterical. I said, " put her in the sink". And of course, " Keep her there while I get my camera"!

The look on her face is priceless. I really don't think she was amused at all!


  1. Hahaha.... that happens a whole lot around here too! Her face is just so kissable! Love her!

  2. Awww, she peed on her daddy! That's a right of passage I hear. She is too cute. Now is about the time stuff starts disappearing around the house only to find out the toilets stop working a little later on!

  3. LOL!! I love this! Isn't it the small things that are so fascinating!! Saves us alot of money in the toy department. Whatever works:) The last picture is absolutley priceless!! I LOVE those eyes!!

  4. Well, everyone should appreciate the simple things! LOL I put her on the desktop so DH could see. He's doing a little better now. Fever is breaking.


  5. ADORABLE!!! I am in love with your sweet girl! What a precious blessing she is! And, what smiles she brings to so many! Hugs!!

  6. These pictures are hilarious...especially when she goes in deeper into the toilet bowl. I am sure she is going to be coming back for more peeks in the future, after all whats more fascinating than the toilet bowl. Today she didn't just make me smile she had me laughing!!

  7. that look is definitely priceless! She is looking older every day, it makes me crazy!

  8. hysterical!!! I laughed and laughed at this post. I could just see him holding her out FAR, FAR away to get away from the pee. LOL!!

    Marissa has a strange little obsession with bathrooms. She's always wondering over to check on things in the little orange room. She just yesterday she pulled herself to a tall kneel on the toilet. Gross, but cool. haha

  9. Oh,my,gosh,she is so cute!!!!!I love how she is just lookin in the potty so curious :)
    Ruby hasn't tinkled on her Daddy yet but she did get her big sister last week when sister was handing her to me to put her in the bath.
    Em is so beautiful!

  10. I can see where this little monkey is going to be into everything now...especially WATER!!! Priceless. She is going to give you a run for your money...I can just see it. Love walking through this with you and her. Hugs

  11. Emmie is so cute =)
    Be careful with those toilet fascinations...they can lead to trouble -- as in seeing what will flush and what won't, or better yet, giving herself a swirly (Yes -- my Paige loves the toilet still!)

  12. LOL! Toilet fascination. We still have that here too...You'd be amazed how much toilet paper can fit in the bowl too!

    I just love those huge blue and beautiful eyes!

  13. she may not have been amused, but this post was great...the toilet..the

  14. Do I have to be the one to tell you that this is just the begining? Molly loves to play in the water. Keep that lid down! LOL

    I left you an award at my blog. This one is an easy one for you!

  15. oh Stephanie - she is beautiful! So precious. Good pre-toileting skills. A love affair with the toilet and what it can do is a good start LOL.

  16. Haha--she is SOOOOOOO cute! Love the sink photo! Oh goodness, the toilet is such a source of fascination.

  17. I just love it when kiddo's pee on their Daddy's, LOL!
    She is such a beauty, I love her exploring the toliet...too funny!

  18. She is so adorable! Still laughing about her amusement with the toilet.

  19. OM gosh...this is so funny....ROTFL!!
