
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where is Everyone???

Normally I would never offer up a picture like this but I felt the need to share. Bella took this picture last night. This is what happens when you have two and a half kids sick( Olivia , Sophia and Emmie, Em is on her way to better) and the mom is down too.

At least we have a picture in case the baby disappears into this mess. We can use it to track her. Hopefully she and the cat will stick together. There's safety in numbers.


  1. Oh, I really hope everyone feels better!

  2. Oh, Poor mommy. Sending you cleaning fairy wishes! Hope it is over with quick!

  3. Oh I know how you feel! I was sick all last week and felt MISERABLE. I'd periodically check to see where Marissa was, but she was neglected much to the time. Feel better soon!

  4. Oh poor babies and mommy. hope you all feel better soon.
    Take Care

  5. Hope your family is feeling well soon! Love and Hugs!!!

  6. Oh, I hear ya! We're sicky around here, too, and all in different stages. I hope you feel better soon!

  7. There seems to be a lot of spring sickness going around lately! Hope you all feel better soon!

  8. I can't believe all of our friends are so sick. You would think with our crazy weather we have more sickies, but so far so good!

  9. NOOOO!!! Sorry you guys are all sick. Should we send the rescue shuttle?
    Praying everyone is feeling better soon!

  10. oh mercy, hope you are all on the mend soon, ecspecially Momma...

  11. Hope you are all better soon.

  12. Oh gosh, hope all of you are on the mend, no fun being sick. I am coming down with something too, have the most dreadful saw throat today and Vir has a fever, hate being sick.

    Don"t worry about the mess, I think you're allowed that. Just look after yourself and all your little patients...hope nothing serious?
