
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Emmie's Unibrow!

This kid is hysterical! Bella took these pictures last night, when she noticed Em had a macaroni sauce unibrow! Did macaroni with sauce have to be her most favorite food? Couldn't she have decided on something a little neater to be her first choice?

How many extra laughs have we had since Em was born!! Too many to count!!!


  1. LOVE the sauce unibrow!! And I must say, Em even makes that look good:)

    Well up and be merry:)

  2. You know... the deep macaroni color really shows off her beautiful blue eyes!

  3. Only Em could wear a unibrow so beautifully! Aidan's favorite was spaghetti & sauce, so love looking at those precious sauce covered faces!

  4. Did she get ANY of it IN her mouth??!! What a cutie! Hugs!!

  5. LOVE IT! The red sauce really accents her beautiful blue eyes!

  6. No matter what, you still get to see those incredibly beautiful eyes. I love it!! Hugs

  7. And how many extra laughs have the rest of us had because of Emmie....many and I for one, want many more!!

  8. Too funny. She reminds me of a Sesame Street character, though I can't put my finger on which one. Hope she enjoys her bath as much as she does her noodles and sauce =)

  9. How funny!! That sauce really does bring out her big beautiful blue eyes though :)

  10. that is so funny! what a great capture!

  11. Hilarious. And blue and orange are opposites, so her blue eyes are very striking against the tomato sauce. Very artistic if I do say so myself.

  12. I'll have you know this picture makes me cringe and giggle at the same time. I absolutely hate baby food messes, but it is such a right of passage! Red is a good color on her!
