
Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Real Tutu?

A real tutu?? Just for me?

It's so big, and white.

It looks like I'm on a cloud.

And look I'm saying "mine". I love it! Thanks Olivia!

Actually it is Olivia's tutu. She needed her own tutu for her Summer Intensive Classes. But of course she let Em try it out first.


  1. CUTE! And how sweet of Olivia to let Em try it out first!
    Can't wait to see Em in her own, dancing like the other princesses in your family.

  2. How cute!! I saw a little bit of Em in the tutu before I went to gymnastics. Thanks for the comment, you know I don't get those everyday.

  3. That is so cute. Next she is going to want to take ballet lessons, just wait and see. I love the expressions on her face. Hugs
