
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

A Princess and her Princes...

My very handsome "nephews"


  1. cute!! And looks soooo refreshing:) Oh Em, that's the way to wrap them around your little finger!!! YOU GO GIRL:)

  2. Thats what I know I will be calling Makayla. My boys are so excited to bring her home they can barely stand it. She will have 4 protectors, life in an orphanage will soon be forgotten! We have already talked about doing the princess character breakfast next time at Disneyland because we will have Makayla. The boys won't mind at all, they will be climbing over each other to show her the princesses!!

  3. Too cute! That pool is just the right size for her!

  4. Ha! ha! - I think it is time to invest in a larger pool...I think the next size up is a whole $9.99 at Target =)

  5. That's exactly what she is...protected and loved by her Princes

  6. She looks so tiny next to them! They really are her knights in shining armour.
    AND if your husband really is like mine then your new approach will have you in stitches. Seriously, it takes a lot of work to be that negative. I don't know how he does it. I will say that when I laugh at him 9 times out of 10 he ends up laughing too and seeing just how ridiculous he is being. Good luck!
