
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Read This Now, Please

This is so worth five minutes of your time.

(Stolen from Renee's blog.)

Paul Daugherty 2009 Keynote Address


  1. Wow, thanks for sharing that. And it was worth every minute to read. "Jillian wasn't born 19 years ago. She was unleashed." I love that line. :-)

  2. Woah, that was incredible! I need to print several copies to share his speech!

  3. I read things like that with mixed emotions. Our son turns 25 tomorrow. His story is nothing like Jillian's. The biggest trouble I have with stories like hers is from the people who don't know what it is like to raise a child who happens to have Downs. They point the accusing finger at the parents who "don't realize the potential" of their own child -- so they think. I'm tired of "normal" being the bar of success for the kids with Downs. Fighting the system is not the only way to raise a special child. But he is certainly right about the teachers and the meetings. I taught special ed before our son was born. The kids are folders, not people.

  4. Absolutely worth the time to read! thanks for sharing this.

  5. Awesome reading, thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for posting that...I so hope that I am able to help Saira realise her full potential one day, and as he so aptly puts it, expect don't accept.

  7. That was so inspirational.thanks for sharing...

  8. How wonderful.......very inspiring! Thanks for sharing this Stephanie!! I too, will share this as well!!
