
Saturday, October 9, 2010

31 for 21: Against All Odds

It is documented that approximately 75% of babies with down syndrome die in utero, another 80 - 90% are aborted, and another 60% are born with heart defects.
I could go on and on with stats and percentages but you've all heard them.

This post is for any one on the fence right now. You see I don't know if anyone reading this is pregnant. I have no way of telling who you are when you come to my blog. This post may very well fall on deaf ears, so to speak, or it my save a life. 

Our Sweets beat the odds, incredible odds just to see the light of day. They are strong, tough and determined. They are courageous and beautiful. They bring joy and happiness to every life they come in contact with. And the world and your life will be a better place with them in it. 

If you were recently handed a diagnosis of Down syndrome, take a deep breath and regroup. I swear it's nothing like you think it is . It's a gazillion times better.

If anyone told me about two years ago I would ever be writing these words I would have told them , that they would have a better chance of growing wings. I was one of those people who said, " special needs children are wonderful, but for someone else, someone who can handle it".  I was even so bold as to say, " God knows I couldn't handle that, He would never give us a child with Special needs", guess He heard that one, LOL!!!

If you are in this situation what I'm trying to say is, we all were. And isn't it odd that we are all so HAPPY now??? Isn't that worth a little research? I challenge you to find a family completely miserable because they have a child with Ds. I tried when I was pregnant. I spent hours surfing the Internet looking for one heart broken family who would tell me how awful Ds was, how it had ruined their lives. I couldn't find them. All I found were happy families and their beautiful and happy children. I couldn't believe it at first. It was hard for me to accept. But it's true.
I had to see it to believe it. The second I saw Miss Em, I knew it. I knew all those families that I found, were telling the truth. 

Our children enter this world against all odds. They want to live! They deserve to live and be loved, and celebrated just like any other child. They are a gift from God, handed to you, ever so gently.

For you created my inmost being;   you knit me together in my mother's womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
       psalm, 139


  1. Love this post! It's all so true! Hugs!!!

  2. Amen sista!! Thank you for this. We must keep telling the world and spreading the word about the true blessings God has put in our lives. What amazing joy each of His chilidren bring. I am so unworthy of this angel!
    In Him,

  3. beautiful post and so true :) i too was one that would think glad it is their family, not mine...i could not handle something like that..etc , but our life has been so blessed since miss maggie came into it. as you know there really are mo words to explain the love...but we certainly can try:)

  4. Absolutely! Another of my favorite facts (since my own didn't dodge that congenital heart defect pattern) is that our babies with Down syndrome and heart defects actually have a BETTER rate of surviving their corrections than typical babies born with the same defect.
    I just think there's something magical about my children's innate capacity to not only heal their own hearts, but spend the rest of their lives blessing the hearts around them.
    Love, love, love your little wonder. Come over to OUR house, Lady Em!!

  5. Awesome post! I hope someone who just received a prenatal diagnosis reads this. I too cannot believe how beautiful a life that includes down syndrome can be...if you choose to let it!

  6. Thanks for the happy tears today! I never thought about the odds that have been stacked against my just makes me think she is stronger than she ever was before! Love this is probably one of my favorite I've read anywhere!

  7. hope you don't mind, but I just linked you to a post on my blog too!

  8. Beautiful words...everyone needs to read your post!

  9. Beautiful words.... LOVELY post...

  10. Soooooo true:) I love your new blog header !

  11. Love it!! So true, thank you for sharing. When I think of all my daughter overcame to make it to us (she is adopted) I know it was God's plan!!

  12. I can't believe I was this many posts behind. What a wonderful post this is, and SOOO true!! Why is it so hard to get the word out that our kids are such an amazing addition to our families. WHY? WHY? WHY? I mean heck, not only do I love my child with Ds, but I also love EVERY other one that I am fortunate to know!! Once again, my friend, you have said it all so perfectly!!
