
Sunday, October 3, 2010

31 for 21, Thankful Sunday

I'm so tired!! We are all completely wiped out from our Buddy Walk today. It was awesome!! We had a huge turnout, and cuteness everywhere you looked. 

Miss Em walked...

and walked...
and walked...
and walked????
OK, now you can carry me.
There was a firetruck for exploring

Oooooo, this day was great!!!

 And I am thankful for all the support from friends and "family"
today. We are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives.


  1. Yeah, so glad it was such a great day and a great turnout. Em looked adorable (as always) in her tutu!

  2. Rest your weary feet.Snuggle up with your little buddy and recharge for the week ahead ... I am expecting lots of 31 for 21 posts!With pictures of course!

    Love her tutu.Seems to be the outfit of choice for Buddy Walks this year.I think we are going to our local one this year.Missed last years,rain.The year before,chemo.Need to dig out a tutu of Zoey's I think.Wish she were walking ... scooting will rip the heck out of it but who cares.will be worth it!

    Love to all.

  3. Oh she's just a big bundle of cuteness!

  4. I agree, she is such a bundle of cuteness. I'm truly enjoying these 31 for 21's. Hugs and love

  5. she sure did do a lot of walking! Our walk is next weekend, we can't wait! :-) I think a tutu might be in order for the day too.

  6. Buddy walks are the best! Glad you had fun at yours! Hugs!!!

  7. Guess what?? Lindsey's Buddy Walk was the same day as Em's. Her tutu just made the outfit. Glad you had fun. Love the new picture of Em. Can you believe how old they are getting? Oh my!

  8. Looks like a real the tutu. It's so amazing to see Miss Em walking well in pictures, it must be so great for her as well. O.k. so I have a to wait a little longer.....but so so looking forward to the day. Emmie is looking so so cute in her outfit. Great job organising the walk!!

  9. Awwww Steph, so glad you had a wonderful day. Look at her walking, she is getting so big!! And I just LOVE her tutu's, true Em fashion=) LOVE IT!!!

  10. It looks like you guys had a wonderful buddy walk!
