
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thankful Sunday

I'm sitting here in my quiet house. The smell of coffee is permeating through the air. The kids were up late last night with Aniela, trying to get their fill of her, so they are still in their sweet dreamland. There is a light layer of snow on the ground with the promise of more coming today and  from my dining room table  I can hear our church bells ringing. It is Sunday. 

I'm thankful for so much today. But one thing I just cannot get past is the remarkable things that Jesus has done for us. And continues to do for us. It's difficult for me to comprehend that out of all the people in the world He has cast His gaze my way. And for everything He has shown me and taught me this past year I am eternally thankful.

I am so thankful for the smiles and peace that were in my home on Christmas day. 

Thankful that Aniela is here and our family is all together.

Thankful that this was such a huge year for the orphan! Through word of mouth and blogs so many more people are aware of the plight of these sweets from RR.

And I'm so thankful for my family! They are all crazy, and drive me crazy, but they are my life! Where would I be without them?? Thanks to them there is never a dull moment, and plenty of laughs. The kind that make your sides hurt.

All six together in one spot!!

Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!

~ 2 Corinthians 9:15,


  1. I'm so thankful for YOU, dear blogging friend! And you know what I realized? You never post pictures of yourself here! How am I going to recognize you when we meet to see Olga??

  2. A beautiful family for sure! What a super blessing. Hope today is another day filled with family, laughter and great reflection.

  3. I too am so thankful for you. Looks like Christmas was a whole lot of fun. Hugs and love

  4. So many things to be thankful for~may God continue to bless your family!
