
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Update : Liza Jane

I have a recent update on Miss Liza Jane and it's not very good. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. At this point the doctors have done everything they can. 

here is what my friend emailed me. These are Liza Jane's mothers words. 

"At this point they cannot offer her any more support without harming her. So now either her heart has to get stronger, or she will not make it. It's just a matter of a few days to wait and see. They are also concerned about her kidney function so they can't give her a lot of diuretics to help with fluid retention. She is puffy and swollen beyond recognition.

Dear friends and family, without a miraculous recovery, this could be the end of the road. We can't really express what we are feeling right now. Please keep praying for the miracle that God promised. Thank you."

Please pray for them today. My heart is breaking for this family.


  1. oh this breaks my heart, that poor family and sweet baby girl. My prayers are going up for them

  2. Two sad posts in a row :(

    Sending prayers during this unimaginable time, for a family that should only be snuggling and loving on their precious baby,not entertaining the possibility of saying goodbye.Unfair.So absolutely unfair.

  3. Praying! I am with post we want good news on these two!

  4. Ugh, I'm not having a good week. To much heartbreak, to many DS friends going through unfair crap! Makes storming heaven sound like a better idea each minute!
    Praying for her sweet family!
