
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Impossible Days?

I'm sitting here in the dark, the rest of the house asleep, and I'm wondering why some days are so impossible? Why do some days just have to suck the life out of you, leave you drained and exhausted, both physically and mentally, not to mention emotionally.  Yesterday was one of those days for me. Although I cannot go into detail, let's just say I'm at least ten years older this morning than I was yesterday. I can say that it had nothing to do with any of the kids, just a day that never should have been. A day that I wish we could have just passed through as ghosts. Untouchable and invisible. Yesterday was a day that shook me like a rag doll and tossed me to the side of the road.  Completely unnecessary cr*p, sums it up.

Or was it?

Was it necessary for some reason,to go to hell and back in about four short hours. Was it really a part of His plan? I always pride myself on saying that nothing ever happens without a reason. Jesus has his hand in everything, there are no mistakes or coincidences. 
If that is true, than what happened yesterday was meant to happen, we needed it to happen. 
 I can say this about yesterday, it was a situation that we didn't see coming, and looked like there was no way out. A serious , life altering, and not for the better, situation. It had the makings of being absolutely disastrous. But as the events of the day unfolded, and it looked as if we were... and forgive me, but completely screwed, I started to see His hand.

We were brought to the edge yesterday.  We were taking a  path that was not good for us. Although we didn't realize it, and neglected to see the warning signs. I do believe Jesus used some tough love on us. And let me tell you we heard Him loud and clear.
I feel like the whole day, and I don't mean any disrespect here, I am just lacking the words to convey how I feel, but I feel like the day was a complete set up. I feel like we were absolutely never in control and Jesus orchestrated every terrifying second of  the day. With all intentions of "taking care" of us and never letting us be harmed. Almost like when a child doesn't listen and a parent warns, "if you don't stay with me you're going to get lost".And of course the child wanders off again, leaving the parent with no choice but to teach their child a lesson. They hide, making the child think they were left behind. The fear overwhelms the child and although a tough lesson, it is a  lesson learned, and the child never wanders away again. 

Both Peter and I will forever and without a doubt always remember yesterday as one of the worst days of our lives. Hands Down! And I'm sorry for the veil of mystery here but I just cannot give out details as other people were involved.
But a lesson was learned and a message was heard, and the children will never wander again...





  1. Was reading in Proverbs last night. I kept hearing, Trust Me, Trust Me, over and over. It's certainly the word for the day. Sounds like today will be better. God bless! ~Liz

  2. Wow, I'm scared just reading this, and it didn't even happen to me! I'm sorry for your day, but glad that you can see a reason behind it. Jax and Arina send kisses to their auntie!

  3. i am so sorry that you had such a bad day :( praying that today will be much better :)

  4. Sorry for such a terrible day and experience for you guys. Glad you felt God's hand on you, protecting you.
    Hugs, love and prayers for you.

  5. Praying for a much better day and from the sounds of it,that won't be hard.Although it seems as though,when days like this happen,there is a post traumatic stress thing that happens and it takes a few days to recover.Be good to yourself today.Allow yourself to process the events and you will rise above and beyond it,with that very same Hand that placed you through it.

    Side note:When we "lost" Jake for those few hours,wow,I cannot express to you the person I became,the thoughts that went through my head and the trauma my body and mind had to recover from.Sending you strength Stephanie.

  6. Sorry about your horrible day! I feel stress just reading your post! Glad everything turned out well and happy you were able to find God's goodness in all of it!

    Hope today makes up for your scary and bad day yesterday!

    Lessons are very necessary, but it sure would be nice if we could learn them in an easier way sometimes!

    Your post reminded me of this verse:

    "He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." Psalm 23:3

    Love and Hugs!!!

  7. Wow, just catching up and boy did I miss a lot. I hope the days get brighter from here on out.

  8. I'm so sorry you had such a bad day yesterday.Just remember while we can't see the full picture, God can. Knowing him and relying on Him will help you get through the tough times. My husband and I have have gone through some really rough times with his family but I have learned to fully lean on God and he has pulled me through it....and has made me a stronger person:) Sending prayers your way!

  9. Sounds like a scary day...and I am sorry you had to go through it. Of course the nosy part of me wants to know every detail but I understand that it is private. I just hope there are no long lasting effects other than a lesson learned through tough love!! Although we have never met, I consider you one of my dearest friends and I hate that you had such a bad, sucky, crappy, day!! Much love coming your way from CA!!

  10. Lots of love my sweet friend. I hope you are having a better day... (((hugs)))

  11. Hugs and prayers for your sweet family!

  12. Just got around to reading this post and I feel terrible that I didn't see it before, not that I could have done anything to fix it but it scared me just thinking of you guys going through obvioulsy something very traumatic. Oh dear friend I am so so sorry for the day you had and for all the negative feelings it has brought with it, something is testing you guys and I hope whatever it is has passed and the sun is shining once again. I hope the days are brighter and Hope is showing it's face. I wish I was closer to come and comfort you. I am thinking of you and praying you're feeling better. (((HUGS)))

  13. Wait, somehow I missed this post??? Email me if you need a friend, okay??

  14. Wow--sounds like a rough day!! I hope you are all okay and that things are settling down. Hugs, friend!
