
Monday, February 28, 2011


Hopefully as the morning goes on more and more posts for Olga will appear. Please feel free to jump on board at any time. I have to admit this "A Day to save Olga" was not my idea. Patti has be thinking of a way to help Miss. O home , ASAP, and thus, A Day to save Olga was born.
Now I have to admit what's on my heart. Since that very quiet morning back in November, when for some reason, I decided to go "have a look" at Reece's Rainbow, and Olga caught my eye and my heart, and I wrote this post, I feel a responsibility to see this through. Olga will always have my heart in a way I just cannot explain. I believe God used Olga to break my heart for the orphan. To break my heart like His. Our lives changed because of Olga. Our family is different, our family has a heart for the orphan that just keeps growing. I can see it in my children, my husband! Wow that was a huge change!! and I can see it in myself. So I really cannot rest easy until Olga is in her mama's arms, and neither can Patti who has been by my side since the beginning. Patti threw herself into fundraising for Olga with a vengeance and I will always be so grateful to her for that. The following words are Patti's.

Dear friends,

So many of you already know this beautiful little face....


Olga turned five last month. She has spent the last five years in an orphanage in Eastern Europe, without the love of a mommy and daddy- simply because she arrived in life exactly as God designed her. One chromosome too many, and her fate was sealed from birth.


Sealed, because in Eastern Europe, babies who are born with Down syndrome are deemed unacceptable at birth. They are discarded as cast-offs of society, and when they turn five they leave the only home they've ever known...


And I wish I could say that for most of these children, leaving that home meant going to a place of safety, a place of happiness, a place where they would finally know the love of a family...know what it meant to be cuddled or sung to or read to, tucked in at night, prayed for, loved.

Instead, they are taken to a place that most people wouldn't leave their family pet.

A place of living hell, where they will never know the tenderness of a parent, never know the security of being raised in a family, and there they will stay, one ugly, pain-filled day at a time...until they die.


I read a post last December that stayed with me to this day. It was called from baby dolls to bedstraps.

The blog author wrote about Elizabeth, an orphan on Reece's Rainbow who had been transferred to a mental institution, waiting for a family to step forward for her. Her words still haunt me.

I wonder where she thought she was going as they led her out of the orphanage that day. Did she think that maybe it was finally her turn? That they were taking her to her forever Mommy and Daddy?

And when they instead took her inside that dreadful place, when they shaved her head and tied her to a too-small metal crib

when they turned their backs and



when they left her confused, terrified,

in a room where the wails of schizophrenic adults echo through the cold air

what was going through her young mind?

Did she wonder if she was being punished?

How long did she hold out hope that this was only temporary?

That any minute, they would come and take her back to the baby house

to her baby dolls and teddy bear,

to her best friend, Angelina?

Did she long to free her arms from the restraints

to cover her head with her hands to drown out

the scary noises

the scary sights

the scary smells?

That could be my Lily….

It could be your child.

And what if it were?

What if you woke up one morning

and by some hellish, twilight-zone twist of fate

your child wasn’t still tucked into that warm bed down the hall,

what if your child was trapped

across the dark sea

in that nightmare that is

the institution?





Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. Proverbs 24:11

Elizabeth is being rescued today, thanks to the efforts of that blogging mama, and others like her.

Olga is being rescued today, thanks to so many of gave so much and created such a large grant that a family was able to step forward and start the process of adoption.

The Abells have done so much already, towards rescuing Olga. I can't even imagine all the paperwork and prayer and emotion and finances that goes into an international adoption. They have done numerous fundraisers, and will continue to do so until they can bring Olga home.

Through the help of so many, a grant of over $13,000 has been raised for Olga's adoption. That grant is set aside for the final travel costs and fees that it will take to bring Olga home. It will take every penny of that and then some.

Right now the Abells are in need of raising the $7,000 that is needed to submit their dossier for Olga. Without that dossier we don't even know if Olga has been transferred yet. Here in America you just pick up the phone and ask these questions. But here in America we don't tie five year old girls to cribs to keep them from climbing out.

The Abells need to submit that dossier as soon as possible- at the very least to find out if she has been transferred already- because I know an army of prayer warriors who is going to want to know that piece of information as well. And at the very most, it could be able to hold Olga at the baby house until the Abells can rescue her. I wish I could say with certainty that she won't be transferred- truthfully we just don't know that.

Olga has been so heavy on my heart for months- friends, I want you to know that I DO trust that God has a plan here.

I prayed like crazy for a way to help the Abells. I truly believe that there is a network of people who love Olga here in blogland...a net that is woven by God and is stretching out across this blessed country we live in, and even beyond to generous hearts in other nations. I really cannot express enough how thankful I am to be a small part of what God has already done for Olga, Peter and Kareen. But I don't think our job is done.

Olga needs us.

I don't want her to spend one more forsaken day in that place than she has to.

We're not doing a giveaway here today. I don't even think we need to do one- I know so many just have a heart to help and to give, and prizes were never the real reason we all gave anyway.

So I'm just asking- for one day- for you to do whatever you could to help Olga. Whether that's $10 or $20 or even a hundred...if you are able to help raise this money for the dossier, please do so HERE...

This is the link for the Family Sponsorship Page on Reece's Rainbow
...every single dollar goes to the Abell's adoption fund, and every single dollar will help.

We're calling this A Day to Save Olga, because there are about 17 of us blogging mamas who have set aside this day to blog, post on Facebook, pray, give and spread the word to SAVE OLGA.

Will you help us?

I know you will:)




Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hopeful Sunday

It's snowing ... AGAIN! Spring is just around the corner, but winter is hanging on tight. Will someone please cut it loose so it can go haunt another planet!

That's ok, it's time is limited.The battle between winter and spring is moving ever closer and we know who wins.

Tough week. We still are functioning with only one car, lousy finances, and stress. The weather is a bummer, and I'm worried about our "girls" Brigita and Nellie. Will anyone ever love them enough to take them home?? Oh, there are people out there who do love them and want them , but they are also the people with obstacles that won't allow them to. Why can't it be just a little easier!

BUT! Even when the walls are falling in on you, you must have hope. I've learned that our God is not only a patient God but He loves surprises, and He really loves catching you off guard . I don't know about you, but my prayers are never answered the way I think they "should be". The answer is never predictable or expected. God always delivers His answer in the most round about way possible and usually better than I expected.

So today as the walls are closing in I'm rejoicing with hope! I know God has something up His sleeve. I'm hopeful that He will guide us in the way to go, I'm hopeful that we will start to rise out of the waters that are growing higher and higher by the day. He won't let us go under.

I'm hopeful that the seed that has been planted in our hearts, to help the orphan, will grow and grow.

And I'm hopeful that hearts will be softened, the hearts that are turning away from the orphan will see them through the eyes of God. Will see these children as gems, and love them and want to help.

We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.

~ Psalm 33:20

Thursday, February 24, 2011

In The News!!!!

I'm so excited!!! When we were doing the fund raiser with the other schools for Olga, one of our parents asked me to write the whole story. Everything, from Em's birth to how I found out about Olga to how the fund raiser came about. She submitted it to our local newspaper and sure enough they were interested. A couple of weeks ago I, along with our school Principal met with a reporter from the Warwick Beacon and here is the end result. She used so much of my original article. And I think she did a great job.

The only thing that was changed was the title. I didn't have our community actually rescuing Olga! The Abell Family did that. But other than that I think it will raise a lot of awareness both for Down syndrome and Reece's Rainbow.

Take a look!

Miss Nellie's Account...

...IS UP TO $4518.00

I don't know who or how, but thank you!! Someone is doing something for Miss N!!!!

Please pray for her family to find her soon!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Ever heard of it??

Well until I met this little Dumpling I didn't either. Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a condition that causes tumors to grow on nerve tissue, producing skin and bone abnormalities. No fun. Abigail has NF. She will be undergoing a delicate surgery soon to remove a tumor on her leg.

Her mama is having a giveaway on her blog, well worth a swing by to see this! But what's even more worth the trip is a chance to met Abigail.

And if blogger and I didn't have this love /hate relationship I would have posted a picture of Abigail. But as chance would have it blogger and I are on the outs today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Doughnut?

Emmie swooped in an like a hawk grabbed a doughnut Sophia had in her hand, and with incredible speed and agility she made a quick getaway. And in seconds the doughnut was gone! Not a trace of it was left, and the hawk , I mean baby showed absolutely no remorse.

Those piercing blue eyes are warning... don't come any close! The doughnut is mine!

With a white knuckle grip she devours the whole thing. We can only look on helplessly.

GONE! Another successful hunt, and satisfied hunter/ huntress?

Sorry Sis! You snooze you loose!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This was filmed by Sophia, she managed to capture what I tried repeatedly to, but just kept missing. So here is Miss Em saying hi and if you listen closely there is a thank you in here as well. Although it's not a clear thank you, mostly just a "t" sound but I'll take it. And also Em signing "eat" which she does every waking second of the day.

Make an on-line slide show at

Thankful Sunday

Okay right off the bat I'm thankful for seeing the temps at 60 degrees the other day!! Of course it was followed by a 35 degree day yesterday, but hope is in the air that spring has not forgotten us.

And there's still grass under all of that melting snow! It kind of resembles an archaeological dig in my backyard. As all the mounds of snow are disappearing, signs that a family used to live here are appearing. I can see a perfectly intact circle of stones created by children playing house. I think it was the family fire pit. And toys are appearing probably just where they were dropped before the snows came. I can't wait to be outside in my garden again!!!!

I'm so thankful that Miss Em is putting a word out here and there for us. She has the cutest "hi". Sophia caught it on video so I'll be(warning) posting it soon.

Thankful for all the babies coming home! Another beautiful family is traveling right now to get their Princess, Ella Grace!! This is for you Denise!! Don't know if you already follow this family but seriously the two Ella Grace Princesses should know each other. Take a look at this wonderful family. I'm sure Shelly would love the extra support right now.

And after you meet Ella Grace go check out all the new and gorgeous things Jenn has added to Olga's Auction. Anyone jealous (not mentioning any names) of the tutu skirt I won recently can bid on one just as beautiful at the auction!! hint hint!!!

And it's a whopping 16 degrees as I type this , but the sun is out, so I'm thankful for that. And we are on vacation, yeah!!! No driving anywhere after school!!! We can have play dates and sleepovers and family dinners! So for all that I am thankful!

Have a Sweet day, dream about spring and go bid on a tutu!!
(because if I bid on it I'll probably win it, because I'm lucky like that, and then you( (still not mentioning any names)) will be jealous again! )

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

One More Push For Olga!


Mighty nice auction going on here at Jenn's blog
The Abell Family needs just another 7000.00 !!!! Piece of cake! Speaking of cake there's a cute cupcake up for grabs at the auction. Please take a peek. And, notice the new picture of our sweet Olga.

The Abell's are so close. Olga needs to come home. Let's get them there so they can run like hell and rescue her.

And I finally have the complete amount that we raised in our school dress down day fundraiser for Olga , $2,192.00.!!
Thank you, St Peter, Our Lady of Mercy, John V Doyle and St Rose!!

Checks in the mail Jenn!!! (really)

Guess Who I Met!

Yes that's the one and only Brian Skotko!! I had the pleasure of meeting him yesterday . He was in RI speaking to health care professionals at Woman and Infants hospital. I've never been in that hospital and not been pregnant, it was a little strange. Anyway, I was asked to share my experience when receiving the diagnosis about Miss E having Down syndrome. I'm not a public speaker, but the thought of meeting Brian and being able to listen to his talk lured me in. I'm so glad I went , it was a great experience with a very kind and welcoming group of people. Later after the room cleared Brian , Claudia the DSSRI coordinator(who set this all up) and little ol' me had lunch and just chatted. It was wonderful to be in the company of these two people, who have dedicated their lives to advocating and educating people about Down syndrome . Definitely a day I will always remember.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Finally, after two years of sitting by his side, following him everywhere and just plain loving him. Emmie will sign, CAT.
(pause music)

Photo and video editing at

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some Local Yumminess!

John Gillooly: Cranston East swimmer has been an inspiration to all

01:00 AM EST on Sunday, February 13, 2011

CRANSTON — Around the country, there are teenagers who have garnered headlines for bullying other students who may be a little different from them.

But this is the story of Haley Howard and her teammates on the Cranston East girls swim team — the story of teenagers who have spent the winter celebrating the uniqueness of one of their peers, rather than ridiculing it.

Howard is a 14-year-old freshman with Down syndrome. She may not have scored any points for the Thunderbolts during the recently completed Interscholastic League swim season, but she definitely was an asset to her team.

“While other races are going on, some people would be just sitting down and talking,” said junior Erin Torres. “But when Haley was swimming, everybody on the team was standing on the side of the pool cheering.”

“She never won races, but she always was so happy,” said Kristen Bachand, another junior teammate. “We would see her out there trying her hardest and not winning, and it taught us — even if we don’t win — keep working at it. It taught us we should be happy that we are able to do this.”

It started back in November, when Susan Howard, Haley’s mother, inquired about the possibility of her daughter being a member of the high school swim team.

“When we first asked, it was mainly about socialization,” said Susan Howard. “Haley is an only child, so she is very accustomed to being around adults. But we wanted her to have a chance to be around her peers outside the actual school setting.”

Howard and her husband, Ken, also feel that every teenager needs to learn how to function outside their comfort zone. They need to experience the thrill of accomplishing something they didn’t think they could do.

“She always liked being in the water,” Susan Howard said. “She has been swimming with a Special Olympics team since she was 8 years old. The Make-A-Wish Foundation gave us an above-ground pool for our backyard four years ago. We knew this would be different, but I didn’t know anything about high school swimming.”

When Cranston athletic director Mike Traficante asked veteran Cranston East swim coach Bob Bouchard if he thought a teenager with Down syndrome could be a member of his team, Bouchard had only one reservation.

“I had known Haley from the swim classes when she was a student at Park View [Middle School], so I wasn’t worried about the swimming in the pool. It was just the safety aspect out of the pool,” said Bouchard, who is a physical-education teacher at the middle school, where the Cranston East swim team practices and holds its meets. So Traficante asked Lori Stromberg, Howard’s one-one-one special-education aide during the school day, if she would be willing to add about three hours to her work day, five days a week, so that Howard could practice with her teammates from 3 to 5 p.m.

Stromberg agreed.

“We started her slow in the small pool working on a few things with me and some of the girls,” said Bouchard. “But after a few weeks I said to Haley, ‘If you are going to be on this team, you have to get in the big pool with everybody else.’ She was a little uncomfortable with it at first. The small pool was her comfort zone and she was happy in her comfort zone. But once she started swimming with everybody else she started asking questions like, ‘Can I do this? Can I do that?’ ”

“Her strokes have improved 100 percent since she started,” Bouchard said. “That’s the thing. It wasn’t just me working with her. I think once she started swimming in the big pool with everybody else, it was more her watching the other girls and following their example.”

Which is exactly what her parents had hoped would happen.

“We didn’t want her to be the model. We wanted her modeling herself after good teenagers who really care,” said Susan Howard.

And yet Howard has become a role model.

“Her enthusiasm made us happy,” Jillian Proulx, another junior teammate. “She always tries so hard. It’s like she has become our role model.”

Howard swims the 50-yard freestyle, the shortest of four individual freestyle events. Howard’s first recorded time, in December, was 59 seconds.

Since then, it has been a winter of steady progress for Howard.

“When she first came here she had a little flip turn, but she has watched and worked with the girls and now she has a real nice flip,” said Bouchard. “Now she also only picks her head up a couple of times going down and a couple of times coming back.”

This season she started her races already in the water rather than diving off a starting block when the starting horn was sounded. That’s legal under freestyle rules, but it costs a swimmer valuable time.

“The girls worked with her and now she actually can dive, but she wasn’t quite ready to do it in a meet. But next year she will be diving,” said Bouchard.

Under Interscholastic League dual-meet swim rules, only two swimmers from each team can be designated potential point scorers in each individual event. But most pools in Rhode Island have at least five lanes, and some as many as eight.

So the extra lanes are used for swimmers who are trying to work their way into the starting lineup swimming as nonscorers, but recording official times.

That’s was Howard’s role this season.

“We treat her like everybody else, so she can’t just jump into one of the scoring positions ahead of the other kids who are working to be in those spots,” said Bouchard. “There are no concessions. She has to earn those spots and, believe it or not, she understands that. The goal is that some day she will earn one of those scoring spots.”

In her final race of the season last week, she posted a time of 42.5 seconds, nearly 17 seconds better than her first recorded time in December.

“It’s amazing she improved that much,” said Bouchard. “Every meet she was faster. The last meet she took 2.4 seconds off her previous best time. She doesn’t really care about her time; she’s just happy she’s swimming. We care more about her time than she does.”

Monday, February 14, 2011

Accomplishment or Bad Habit?

This is what her Daddy taught her. Wonder what's next on the list. You absolutely must pause my music to appreciate it fully.

Make an on-line slide show at

I've Got an Angel...


I've got an angel
She doesn't wear any wings
She wears a heart that can melt my own
She wears a smile that can make me wanna sing
She gives me presents
With her presence alone
She gives me everything I could wish for
She gives me kisses on the lips just for coming home

She could make angels

I've seen it with my own eyes
You gotta be careful when you've got good love
Cause the angels will just keep on multiplying

But you're so busy changing the world
Just one smile can change all of mine
We share the same soul
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
We Share the same soul
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
We Share the same soul
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
Umm umm umm uhhhhhhmm

Song by Jack Johnson, my new favorite. Thanks Carrie for telling me it would be perfect for Em!! You were right.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thankful Sunday, Happy Birthday Tata!!!

Well this week flew by. One more week closer to spring. The snow is melting thanks to temps slightly above freezing and the weather has been clear of snow.

This week I'm thankful for, far away friends who "get it", and the ability to be just a click away from them.

I'm thankful that the terrible noise in my car meant something simple... needs more oil!

I'm thankful for music!

I'm thankful for the people that have just appeared, people who also love miss Brigita and Miss Nellie. I thought I was alone in my love for them but I'm not. I've been blessed with meeting a whole cheering section for "the girls".

I'm thankful for the antibiotics that are slowly clearing up Miss Em's sinus infection.

And I'm thankful for my FIL, he's the best, and of course he's all the way in Poland! No fair! Happy Birthday Tata!!! We love you and are all thankful for you!!!!! If you read this Tata, meet us on skype, today at 1:00pm our time!

btw, for you non Polish readers, Tata means Daddy. If you were wondering.

Have a blessed and peaceful Sunday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One By One, The Starfish Are Being Saved

Just when we feel like the darkness is about to take over, God shines His light that sends renewed faith into our hearts.

This has been such an amazing week! The starfish are being rescued ! The children are getting forever families. Doors are being opened that were shut tight before. God is hearing our prayers, and He is answering.

Alexander, has a forever family!

Daryia has a forever family!

Tori will leave the institution! The first child ever to be adopted out if this particular institution!

Masha has hope now as she will be in the same institution!

Peter has a forever family!

Kareen has a forever family!

And our Olga has a forever family! And take a look at the name of their blog! I used the starfish story in the fliers I made up for Olga! Coincidence???

And with this new hope, my confidence grows, my faith grows, that "The Girls", Miss Brigita and Miss Nellie will also get their happily Ever After, along with all the other Starfish.

And I've noticed Nellie's account going up. I don't know who , but thank you! If someone out there is advocating for her, Bless you!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Miracle!

This is Julia's post. Her words her pictures . I just re-posted everything. It's a miracle and an answer to our prayers. Thank you Jesus!


Tori has a family! God moved in the heart of a skeptical, doubting and distrustful director and Tori is coming home. The Burmans got to meet her, love on her, count her fingers, look into her eyes, marvel at how fearfully and wonderfully made she is and laugh outright that God won. He won. Tori will be a daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and most importantly a Child of the King. Her biased Mom has declared that she is smart, beautiful and BIG. As soon as she posts pictures on her blog (which is private), I will steal them and post on here!

God won people. Not just for Tori. But now Masha and Eddie and all the other sweet ones at that institute and that orphanage have HOPE. They are no longer bound by the past laws of communism that say that a child who is disabled should be sent away forever. They can be freed from the chains that bind them. Free.


Masha needs a family. SHE HAS 17,000.00 IN HER GRANT FUND. That means that if someone goes and gets her they only need to raise another 6-8,000.00 dollars. That is EASY because our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills....

She smiles - she talks - she blows bubbles and plays peek-a-boo. She is SMART! She is full of life despite the fact that she has been mistreated, set aside and deemed unadoptable.

Eddie needs a family. HE HAS 16,000 IN HIS GRANT FUND. That means only 7-8,000.00 is left to raise. PEANUTS.

He is NOT a favorite. He has spent his life stuck in a crib - often in a dark room - alone. He doesn't know what it is to be held and loved. Just a smile in his direction will light up his lonely face.

Both of these babes need out.

If someone were to go get both of them together - the adoption is covered.

Money is NOT an issue.

Yes, they are needy. Yes, they will require a tremendous amount of time and love to heal the hurting that is deep within their souls. Yes. But our God is a God who can heal the wounds inflicted by man.

He can.

But they need families.

So do so many others.

Families who will step up and take the plunge. Despite the quaking knees and pounding hearts. Despite the clammy fingers and the uncontrollable shaking.

Families willing to go despite the terror of the unknown.

Families willing to jump - free fall.

Families who have their hands firmly clasped in His Hands.

Trusting. Believing.

Please Dear Lord - send families!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thankful Sunday

It's the end of the first week of February, that means next month is SPRING!!! And daylight savings time! The long nights and short days are reversing! Yesterday I heard spring birds chirping. Never fails... spring will return.

This week I'm thankful for subtle messages. I've mentioned a couple of times that I don't really pick up on the whispers of Jesus. If He wants me to hear Him , He needs to speak loud and clear. Well, He has been teaching me to sit still and listen. Sometimes, He is only going to whisper, and it really would be a shame to miss it.

I'm thankful for Patti's incredibly successful fund raiser for Peter!! I know a home must be in his near future.

I'm thankful for God given friends who 'just know" when I need them. (C)

Thankful for the variety of weather we had yesterday. We had sun, rain, sleet a few flakes and we ended the day with down pours of rain and thunder and lightning. Say what you want about RI but you will never be bored with the weather. One thing we always say here is, "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it will change".

And I'm thankful for Oreo's and Toy Story. The girls and Peter were at the Father/Daughter dance last night, so me, Andrew and Emmie had a little quiet time together. Nothing better than watching Em devour an Oreo and Andrew get excited about a movie he's seen a hundred times already.

And I'm not so thankful that I still cannot upload any pictures! Blogger is giving me issues again! I tried Courtney's trick and switched to the old editor. That worked for a while but now I can't upload in either editor. Taking any suggestions! blogger is telling me I've used up all my space, and need to purchase more, which I did the first time this happened. Not doing that again!

Enjoy you Sunday!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today is Miss Brigitta's sixth birthday. She is far away and will not be excited about this day, nor will there be any presents or cake. No friends and relatives will gather in her honor and no birthday song will be sung to her. No candles, no streamer, no games. No pretty birthday dress and no mama to fix her hair with a matching bow.

Instead she waits, day after day...

But today, although Miss B doesn't realize it, there are people who remembered it was her birthday. There are a group of people who love her, and know her by name. Miss B doesn't know it but we are praying her home. You see, Miss B is very loved. You don't need a lot of people to love in life to make you happy, just one who loves you with their whole heart is enough, but Miss B has more than one. She has me and Peter and of course Sophia and Helle and RobinE .

A group of people who all at different times and in very different and far away places, all gazed upon one sweet little face and couldn't turn away. All fell in love, all claimed her, all promised to do something for her. All prayed for her.

Then an odd thing happened... all these people started to find each other. And a small group of strangers with one lovely child in common formed Miss B's only family. A family that will do whatever they can to bring her home.

Hmmmm, think the hand of God is in here somewhere?

I'm going to tell you all a funny story. Well not really funny like ,haha, just strange funny. The other day I was listening to KLOVE. I love their music and to me it's a prayer to listen and just be. So anyway, they were talking about picking a word, and making that word yours for the year. Some people were saying that their word was grace, I think Lisa the host said her word was, "closer". Anyway as I sat and listened to people ask God for a word, andthat they heard it loud and clear, I had to give a little giggle. I usually miss those little whispers. I need God to use a loud speaker. Well I was in the car with no distractions so I figured what the heck, let's give it a try. My word would probably be RUN! So I honestly and with an open heart and mind, simply asked for a word, any word, give it to me!

Immediately this word was in my head: PERSEVERE

I don't use this word. I don't go around telling myself to persevere, or tell the kids , "hey guys let's persevere it will be okay". No it's just not my way of speaking. I'd use the words, don't give up, let's keep going, you can do it, etc... But not persevere.

I knew it was from God. He definitely uses that word. He really is very crafty. I mean to put a word in my head that I would never come up with on my own, so I realize it truly is from Him is pretty clever .

So I will persevere. No easy task. These past two weeks I'd rather have a word like Run, or forget it, or this is not for you let someone else worry about it. But God would never give us words like that. He expects more from us, and in turn He blesses us with more than we deserve.

Here are the words of St. Jerome Emiliani, Patron Saint of Orphans(don't you love his last name), :

I urge you to persevere in your love for Christ and your faithful observance of the law of Christ. Our Goal is God, the source of all good. As we say in our prayer, we are to place our trust in God and in no one else. In his kindness, our Lord wished to strengthen your faith, for without it, as the
evangelist points out, Christ could not have performed many of his miracles. He also wished to listen to your prayer, and so he ordained that you experience poverty, distress, abandonment, weariness and scorn. God alone knows the reasons for all this, yet we can recognize three causes. In the first place, our blessed Lord tell young that he desires to include you among his beloved sons, provided that you remain steadfast in his ways, for this is the way he treats his friends and makes them holy. The second reason is that he is asking you to grow continuously in your confidence in him alone and not in others. Now there is a third reason. God wishes to test you like gold in the furnace. The dross is consumed by the fire, but the pure gold remains and its value increases. It is in this manner that God acts with his good servant, who puts his hope in him and remains unshaken in times of distress. God raises him up and, in return for the things he has left out of love for God, he repays him a hundredfold in this life and with eternal life hereafter. If then you remain constant in faith in the face of trial, the Lord will give you peace and rest for a time in this world, and for ever in the next. - from a letter to his brothers by Saint Jerome Emiliani

So Miss B, your family loves you and will persevere. We will not give up until you are home!
Until you have the birthday party, and the dress and matching bow, and the mama to put her arms around you, and whisper... happy birthday, my love...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kareen's Family

Kecia, Kareen's mommy is having a giveaway to raise money to bring her home. It's a good one. If you haven't met this family yet, stop by, say hi and lend your support. Even if you cannot donate, kind words go very far.
They are rescuing a child from a life in an institution. They are willing to spend an astronomical amount of money in order to bring her home, and they love her unconditionally, when no one else would. This goes for every adoptive family.
Support and kind words are the least we can supply.
I'm so happy for Kareen to be joining this beautiful family. So please stop by and lend your support and hey, maybe even win an ipad.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

And The Sadness Returns..

The forever beautiful, Miss Lois

Good bye Sweetness. Loved every post your mama wrote about you. So very glad I got the chance to "know"you. It was an honor to pray for you. And it will be an honor to meet you in heaven...

A Happy Break

I know I could use a little pick me up today, how about you. This put a smile on my face.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Saving Brigita And Nellie, Added Post

Miss Nellie
Miss Brigita

My anxiety is mounting as day after day I wait for a miracle. It looks like a hopeless situation for these girls. Some days, I feel like I can not possibly do anything to help them, that their fate is already sealed. No matter how hard I try, nothing works. No matter how much I pray or beg God for a miracle, I hear no reply. No matter how hard I ask that someone look at the girls and see their potential and beauty, no one looks.

Then on some days I have faith and peace and know that Jesus in control. That He has his hands on these girls and his arms around them at all times. That He will never give up on them.

I will
not give up and give in to the evil one who knows exactly what to whisper in my ear. He knows where I am the weakest and goes straight for it.

I will
not sit by and say I did all I could. There is always something else to do, someone else to tell, another prayer to leave my lips.

I will not let these girls spend the rest of their lives tied to a crib in some disgusting institution and treated worse than a wild animal.

I want to see them in pretty dresses and bows in their hair. I want them to have baby dolls to play with and most of all I want them to have a mama and daddy and a home.

I'm asking for help. I'm asking that everyone in blogland will soon know exactly who Brigita and Nellie are. It worked for Olga! Can we please rally for these two Princesses. It costs you nothing but a few moments of your time. A picture, a link and a plea might save a life. Please help me spread the word.

You might reach that one person no one else can. You might have the words that will change a heart.

If you are reading this and are contemplating adoption, please pray about these little girls. Could you love one of them? Can you picture yourself snuggling and kissing one of them? Can you hear them laughing as you tickle them?

*I've got my first post on Heroes - Talk . Of course it's for "The Girls".