
Thursday, February 24, 2011

In The News!!!!

I'm so excited!!! When we were doing the fund raiser with the other schools for Olga, one of our parents asked me to write the whole story. Everything, from Em's birth to how I found out about Olga to how the fund raiser came about. She submitted it to our local newspaper and sure enough they were interested. A couple of weeks ago I, along with our school Principal met with a reporter from the Warwick Beacon and here is the end result. She used so much of my original article. And I think she did a great job.

The only thing that was changed was the title. I didn't have our community actually rescuing Olga! The Abell Family did that. But other than that I think it will raise a lot of awareness both for Down syndrome and Reece's Rainbow.

Take a look!


  1. WOW, that was a FANTASTIC article, Stephanie!! You are an amazing mom and advocate.

  2. This is wonderful! You are amazing, Stephanie. And now that I have actually seen a picture of you, I can say- you are beautiful inside and out!! :)

  3. What a great article! I cannot imagine anyone who reads it not being touched by it. Nice work!

  4. Awesome article - what a fantastic advocate you are. It is so clear that this is the role God called you to!

  5. How fantastic. Literally brought tears to my eyes. awesome!

  6. Great job, Stephanie! Such a heart-touching article. And I don't think we can overestimate the importance of raising awareness... maybe you found a prospective family or two through this article.

    And hurrah for Nellie, I was so happy to see her grant leaping!

  7. Sooo awesome! God is using your family mightily!

  8. Congratulations, Stephanie! Great article and excellent work! I so hope you, Miss Em, and Sophia get to meet Olga and her wonderful new family someday. :-)

  9. That got me a teary. It's so beautiful and I am so proud to know such an amazing advocate and mom. Your heart is beautiful

  10. Hi there! Dropping in from to say hi. Your news is so great and I'm so happy for your success!
