
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All in Pink

So much for the traditional Easter picture in church. Miss Em was not having it. She does look like she's praying for someone to rescue her. (you can click to enlarge pics)

Emmie did warm up to the camera as the day went on. The smell of chocolate probably helped.


  1. Awww, wonder why she was so upset? So adorable, it does look like a prayer for

  2. Miss look scared out of your mind in that 1st picture! You poor, silly girl! The rest of the pics of you are absolutely always! Chocolate always does help, doesn't it?! :) Hugs!!!

  3. Oh that first pics made me laugh.. sorry Em, but you look cute always

  4. Oh my goodness, poor thing she looks traumatized in that first pic! LOL
    Beautiful as always!

    Our dossier is on its way.....

  5. That first pic cracks me up! But bring on the eggs and she is happy as a clam!!

  6. Love her -- so pretty in pink!
    The first picture is a riot =)

  7. she is gorgeous! I had to stop by and tell you I read your comment on Patti's blog and loved your perspective! so true...these little ones were sent to save us!

  8. Its probably been a while since I laughed, but that first picture got a real chuckle out of me, thanks for making me smile. She looks like she is desperately praying for help, how appropriate since she was in church. Love all the pictures that followed. Miss Em looks beautiful in her dress. Hope you had a happy Easter.

  9. oh my...that first pic is too funny! miss em looks sooo pretty in her dress :)

  10. The first picture cracks me up. I feel bad laughing, but I couldn't help it. Em looks so pretty all dressed up.
