
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Must Wish Signe Happy Birthday!!!! HURRY

OK, I just stole and entire post including, blinking Happy Birthday sign. I took Christie's post because I'm strapped for time, should be picking my kids up from school right now. Please read and follow instructions! You can earn money for Alexander, with no effort at all!! The following is Christie's post!!

Birthday Wishes for Signe to Bring Alexander HOME!!!

Can I just tell you all about my friend Signe? Well, her name rhymes with you know how to say her name.

She has a little girl, Miss LoLo, born with Down syndrome. She has a brood of boys, Gaven (her sweet angel boy in heaven), Gabe, Davrin, and Nolan. And her oldest child, Ada--who was also born with special needs and is the BEST!!

I had the pleasure of meeting Signe, LoLo and Ada nearly one year ago (my word, has it been that long???) At another little girl's 1st birthday party. I did not know this family and they totally let me crash their baby girl's 1st birthday party just so I could meet Signe, in person, finally after about two years of growing our on-line friendship.

Joseph is gonna marry LoLo someday (at least that is what I like think). Of course, Will and his mommy (who has the SAME name as me by the way) has another plan.

Anyhow, back to Signe and the reason for this post. Signe is having a birthday today. Not only is she having a birthday today, but if you go to this page on Facebook CLICK HERE FOR SIGNE
you can wish her a happy birthday AND she will donate $.21 for every birthday wish left between Midnight May 10th and 11:30 p.m. that evening to Alexander's adoption fund!!!!

So come on, join in the fun and wish my dear, sweet, friend and sister a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It will make her smile and help her to bless us too.


  1. I'm sure stealing is ok in this instance. :) I sent this even to pretty much my whole FB friends list this morning!

  2. Wish I could, don't have a FB account. Hugs
