
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who Is In This Year?

I just realized the date! Saturday is October 1st ! October is Down syndrome Awareness Month! Whose in for 31 for 21 this year?   

And on that note I probably should save this video for a day around mid October, but knowing Em there, will be plenty more where this came from. Here she is showing off some of her unique dance moves. I seriously don't know how she comes up with them but we sure do enjoy the show.  


  1. Ohmygosh, she's GOOD! She puts my 5 year old to shame. Samantha has the worst time trying to coordinate those little body parts. LOL

    I'm in for the 31 for 21 again this year...

  2. Lookin' good, Em! Put some tap shoes on those fast feet!! Clickety, clickety, click...xoxoxo

  3. She is gonna be the life of the party baby! Super cute as always Em. I am not even going to attempt to blog each day in October, can't hardly get a picture taken or a post done now. hahaha

  4. Look at her dance! She's good! :)

    As for 31 for 21....I stink at blogging every day, and I always fail about a third of the way into October.

  5. Not even going to attempt to blog.Epic fails the last 2 years.

    And, I need to come back tomorrow ... the video is not showing up :(
