
Monday, October 31, 2011

31 for 21: Emmie's Day

Today is not just Halloween in our house. It's the day Emmie came home. After a brief nine day stay in the NICU Miss Em came home just in time for her first Halloween. Seeing how she enjoys dressing up and devouring sweets, there's no doubt in my mind that even at the young age of nine days, the Chick smelled the Halloween chocolate and that was her motivation to get discharged and home.
Today, three years later, she will be going to school dressed has a cupcake fairy. Three years ago I couldn't imagine her ever getting any bigger than the six and a half pound little bundle that she was. And now she's an independent, sassy little dumpling. We have been abundantly blessed in the past three years. Emilia has changed us more than I can find words to explain, and in more ways than I can count. I am not even remotely the same person I was three years ago. Halloween will never be just Halloween in our house. It's Emmie's Day.  Of course she already thinks every day is Emmie day...

 The Cupcake Fairy after her party. All cupcaked out

Rest up Dumpling, tonight's another wild night:)

And today Down syndrome Awareness month comes to an end... but not really. It's our lives now. We never stop advocating for our loves. It was a great month here in blogland. So many wonderful posts, new people, and information. 

We really are a special group.  It's an honor to know each and every one of you.


  1. Awww, looks like she had a great time. She just wore herself out.
    Love the pic :)
    So cute!!

  2. Sweet little cupcake fairy. Too bad we weren't in the same hospital b/c Alayna spent the first 17 days in the NICU they could have been buddies!
    Have a great Halloween!

  3. She is such a sweetheart. I've missed your posts this month, however hopefully I'm back in the groove. Thanks for caring. Love ya

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  5. Sweet Em -- Every day Should be your day. Looks like she had a great time! =)
