
Saturday, October 22, 2011

31 for 21: She is Magical, She is 3!!!

Thank you Miss Em for coming to our family:) Guess you knew what you were getting in to three years ago. I suppose God gave you the lowdown on us before your arrival. He must have told you how desperately we needed you, how we longed for you , only we didn't know it . I'm sure He informed you that we were a big noisy clan and you'd almost never have a moments peace. That there would be constant bickering among your siblings, that your mama was scared and confused about you, and that your dad was too but didn't want your mama to know.

I'm sure He also told you that most of the constant bickering among your siblings would be them fighting over you! They adore you, Em!

And I'm sure you felt all of mama and daddy's love for you the second you were born. All of the fear and confusion went right out the window.

So today Miss Em I just wanted to say thank you, for being our own magical miracle. For loving us and accepting all of US the way WE are.

Happy Birthday Emilia Faith, there are no words to express how much we all love you.


  1. Happy Birthday Em! Have a great day sweet girl! Hugs!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Miss Em!

    Yesterday my granddaughter, Sara, also turned 3.

    I think I need to semd Em a gift. Would she like Disney Princess or Minnie Mouse the best?

  3. The happiest of day to your beautiful, amazing, magical girl!!!

    You all are so very, very blessed, as are we for finding you all, in this great big wonderful world!

  4. Happy birthday sweet Emmie Faith! We love you and are so glad you are our buddy!
    Make sure they give you extra scoops of ice cream with that cake today girlfriend! xoxo

  5. Happy big 3! Miss Em! How could everyone not adore her! So stink'n sweet! Smiles

  6. Love you, Em!! Happy, happy day to you!!!!!!!

  7. Happy birthday, EM! What a big, beautiful girl you are.

  8. Happy Birthday Miss Em! You have made me smile since the day I first "met" you!

  9. Happy Birthday sweet Em! Hope you had a happy day!

  10. Happy Birthday Em! Lindey sends hugs. Hope you enjoyed your cake.

  11. Happy late birthday to our favorite far away friend! I never realized your not even a year older than Arina!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! God is sooo GOOD!!!

  13. ooooh happy belated birthday, beautiful girl! she IS magical! :)
