
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hat Hater

Since Emmie was born she hated hats! She came home from the NICU with a bag full of little hats that somehow made it to the floor. She would not keep them on her head. 

But these she will wear all day long. 

A bald cap

An infant cap
And this...well, I'd better not say anything...

With winter right on our heels I'm really having a hard time deciding which on of these lovely head covers to choose for Miss Em . I've got a ton of pretty little hats and not one will she keep on her head. Maybe I can hot glue flowers all over the bald cap:)


  1. Crazy girl! But, she's in good company, Gavin hates hats too!

  2. Let's go with the bald cap but, you know, I think the tom boy in me loves a little girl in a backwards baseball hat. Go with that one.

    Have a beautiful weekend my East Coast friend.

  3. Pudge has the same beastie behavior...minus access to a bald cap. :0) E just knows she's got a head of hair too gorgeous to keep under wraps.

  4. Why not get crafty and decorate the bald cap? Best of both worlds :o)

  5. ha ha just like tilly!she will waer her dads black wollyhat or a beanie but nothing else on her head! check out this beauty i'm thinking ofmaking for the girls...wonder if tilly would keep this on?xxxxx
