
Friday, January 13, 2012

Noah's Dad andTIME MAGAZINE!!!

OK, I love this guy! I've been following him for a while now and well, he and his family are just the cutest. Seriously, they just ooze cuteness. Love them. 

Anyway, Rick, Noah's dad posted about the Target add and one thing lead to another and that lead to an interview with Fox News. You can view that here. Its awesome!!

And now, get this, TIME MAGAZINE is interviewing him!!!  Tonight!! Can you believe that! This is for all of us! For all our children. This is one huge step in the right direction to bring well needed awareness to our children and the gift and the joy that they truly are!!! That Down syndrome is nothing to run from!

"I'm doing an interview with Time magazine (as in the print edition) tonight! They want to run a story about all of this! Guys, this is our time...the world is seeing that our kids are valuable!!! Keep sharing this page, posting, commenting, and letting the world know about this community. It's amazing how God is using all of this! "
Rick Smith

Thank you RICK ABBY and NOAH!!!! You will be speaking for all of us! Thank you!!!

And just in case you haven't had the pleasure stop by and read Rick's blog, Noah's Dad.

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