
Monday, January 2, 2012

She Still Hasn't Left...

... her new home. Since Christmas morning Emmie has eaten, played, read, rested, and done just about everything else in this little ball pit. The only thing she hasn't done in it is play with the balls. They were immediately  rejected and ejected, never to be seen again!

first and last time those balls got in her way!

Waiting for the clock to strike midnight on New Years Eve

Cuddling with her new blankie!

All cozied up to do a little reading

and of course a little texting!


  1. That definitely brought a smile to my face this morning. So stinking cute. That girl knows what she wants...can't wait to see what 2012 brings for her. Hugs

  2. This cracks me up that Em loves her ball pit so much! As long as it doesn't have balls in it. :)

  3. Too funny, and too cute! Good luck getting her out of there -and she looks pretty comfortable!

  4. That is about the cutest thing I've seen all day. Look at her just chillin in there, I love it! Emi never fails to make me smile and laugh out loud!
