
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thankful Sunday... Really

Oh it's been Aaaages since I've written a thankful Sunday post! Not because I'm not thankful, mostly because I've kind of been away from blogging. I was going through my posts and I realized how this blog has changed over the years. It will be three years in April that I've been out here. Three really great years. 

This blog was solely Emilia's when I started. Now, she shares it with so many other Dumplings. I'm seeing that this blog has more and more posts about orphans and less about Em. It might be time to divide and conquer. 

I could write about orphans all day long, and never cover everything that is on my mind. But this is Em's place and I want it to stay her place. Thinking about moving my "adoption blog " to Wordpress, and keeping things all , or mostly all, Em here. 

So anyway, on to the thankfulness. 

Miss Em!! That little ball of sunshine just makes me keep on keeping on! She is doing so well in school!!! Shouting THANKFULNESS from the rooftops for that!!! 
Her new word is book!  A spoken word!!!!!!!! Thankful!! Thankful and thankful!!!!

Miss Em's teacher and her whole team at her school is well, I don't have words for them because they are out of this world!!!!!!! 

This is just a cute funny story about the beautiful people who love Emmie at school.

A couple of weeks back it was open house at Em's school. Peter and I went together and I was introducing him to some of the "team"  that he had not yet met. I introduced him to the school social worker, she then asked him if he had met (and I quote) " the crazy school psychologist who is obsessed with Emilia"  oh we were on the floor laughing!!! They love her like she's theirs and I thank God that things went so well. 

And look at Emmie's very first school picture!!!!! Sorry the quality is not great. I took a picture of a picture and did a lousy cropping job, but I love this photo!!! And I don't know who was more excited about it, me or her teacher!! She looks like a big girl though, doesn't she. Her teacher said, "this picture captured all that Emmie is". And I totally agree. The thankfulness I have for Em is overwhelming . She takes my breath away every day. 

It's a beautiful sunny Sunday here. Hope it's the same where you are. Make the best of this day. Be thankful for something or someone.  God bless:)



  1. Oh my goodness! Emmie is precious. What an adorable picture. I love this post.

  2. Thankful for many things especially you! LOVE the pic, that is awesome!
    Love you have a great Sunday!

  3. What a great picture. She looks like such a big girl.

  4. She is such a delight. I love that little munchkin. If you start another "adoption" blog, please share your link. My blog has evolved too from quilting, to book reviews and advocating (not quite has often has you though). It doesn't seem that long ago that I found you blog, almost from the start and fell in love with you, Em and your precious family. Hugs
