
Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh My Goodiness!

My daughter Emilia is a  Feinstein Jr.Scholar!! With this honor comes responsibility!!! 

To be exact... good deeds!! This could pose a serious problem!

Uh oh!!

She can do it!!! She can be good!
 Day one went well.

Emmie started by being good and  helping pick up her stinky socks.:)

But then she blew it by making confetti with her saltines. 

And then was naughty by unplugging the vacuum , while I was vacuuming! Sigh

But redeemed herself by attempting to wrap up the cord when I was done.

I'm sure this will be quite challenging for my little scholar, and her mother ....

We will have to be very creative with our "good deeds".

Maybe we should just go with "good intentions"

Don't worry Em, you don't have to over do the good deeds. I kind of liked your Saltine Confetti. We'll take this nice and slow! I'm so proud of you!


  1. She is just the cutest little button. I love reading what she does everyday. Hugs

  2. Honor indeed! Keep up the good deeds Em!
