
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring, The Season of Hope

Carina's birthday is in April. Spring, such a beautiful time of year. A time of hope!  A time when all things come back to life. New life!

What will Spring mean for my Carina??


Or this

Is this what Spring will mean to my precious girl??

Does Carina have any hope??

Without a family... the answer is no. She has no hope.

But with God all things are possible.  With God there is hope...always

I want Carina to blossom like a spring flower. To smile, and laugh and lay in the sun and let it warm her. I want her to listen to the birds and look for life sprouting from the ground. I want her to fill her lungs with that sweet spring air.

I don't want her to be transferred and to suffer, and to give up hope! How can I let that happen?? I have to do whatever I can to keep her hope alive!

I love this little one. She consumes my thoughts. I check Reece's Rainbow numerous times a day. I rejoice for every child that finds their way to The MFFM page, but I can't help  feeling a sadness when I realize my beautiful girl has not gotten noticed yet. 

Will you notice her today? Will you share her picture, her link to Reece's rainbow. Will you donate to her account? Will you say prayer? Will you help Carina to have HOPE for this Spring?

Are you her HOPE?

Carina's account is very close to $4000.00. Maybe that will be the lucky number to bring her a family.  Your two, five or ten dollars could be that hope today.

This is a Sharing Sunday Post

Sharing Sunday