
Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Hole in our Gospel

Richard Stearns, President of World Vision wrote a book, The Hole in our Gospel.  I won this book from a giveaway. There were two books up for grabs and I really wanted the other one. Although now, I can't even remember the name of it. I needed this one, and I'm sure God arranged it so I won it. 

I don't know what I thought this book was going to be about, but the title didn't spark an interest in me. But what it is, is an eye opener. 

In a nutshell, Richard Stearns, asks and answers some tough questions. 

Are you doing all that you can?

He himself was a model citizen. Pulling himself up from his bootstraps. Defying the odds and poverty and becoming one of the most successful business men in America. He was happily married, a good father and devout Christian. How could there be any room for improvement??

Well , there was. 

He left it all. The high paying job as CEO of Lenox, the big house the financial security....everything.


Because God asked him to.

He didn't leave immediately, mind you. God had a pretty tough job convincing Richard, but eventually he did listen.

He went from the corner office to the poverty stricken in Africa.

He admits to being completely out of his comfort zone.

From fine china to starving children.

As he was struggling with this decision, to leave Lenox and join World Vision, he had this thought:

"What if there are children who will suffer somehow because I failed to obey God? What if my cowardice costs even one child somewhere in the world his or her life"

That's a pretty bold question to ask yourself.

Most people would have a hard time answering honestly.

Richard answered that question. He left Lenox and followed God's call to World Vision

There are two days left in my giveaway. 

Now I'm not asking you to leave your job or your home or to sell off all your belongings. But by God I am asking you to search your hearts.And to seriously ask God where He wants you to go. Is He asking you to do something?  Can you give to Carina? Do you have $5.00? Do you have more?  Are you being called to adopt? Not just Carina, but any child? What is God asking of you??

I know what God is asking me to do. And honestly it is way out of my comfort zone.  I don't like fund raising. Not one bit.  And I'm not very good at it either. And I, also just like Richard, tried to deny what God was calling me to do. 

I was very content, to talk about the orphans, to share, to post. Even donate when I could. I did not have any intentions of being a Warrior or an advocate to this extent. I had all intentions of staying within my comfort zone. 

But I couldn't .

I always had this feeling that I could do more. That God wasn't quite as content with me as I was with myself. 
He wants more. He wants me to push myself. To be uncomfortable. To be more. To do more even when I am flustered and frustrated.Even when I am tired and stressed and honestly have my own problems and issues to deal with. Still He expects more from me. 


 Can you help Carina?

She will be transferred. She is four. She needs immediate help. Depending on our actions, Carina will either find a family and know happiness or waste away in an institution. 

It's pretty cut and dry.

What is God asking of you? 
Where is He asking you to go?

1 comment:

  1. anything new going on?
    praying and reposting, this beauty has to get home

    {{hugs}} dont give up
