
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Carina's Hope Winners!!!

Well, as far as I'm concerned EVERYONE is a winner! You all raised $1000,00 for Carina. 

Think about it! $1000.00 for a child on the other side of the world. You can't see her or hold her or know anything about her, but you all said "YES, I'll help her,I want to bring her hope"

And you did just that.  More people know who she is, more people are thinking about her and praying for her!

More people are thinking about adoption!

Carina is loved!

From the bottom of my very humbled and happy heart, THANK YOU!!!

From, here is the list

#1,Jillian Raye design:  Elaina

#2 newborn dress: Stori

#3Meet Annie book: Megan McDonough

#4 Bows: KellyH

#5 Games: Melissa M

#6 Jubilee's Jewels Necklace: Becki

#7 Mrs. Meyers Cleaners: Debbie M

#8 Tulip skirt dress w/Hippos:  Rochelle

#9 Waterfall ruffle dress: Lynn S

#10 Searching for .. The you we adore Book : Alicia V

#11 Bow holder: Lynn S

#12 Silpada GC: Amanda (mandy)

#13 African Shell necklace: Deb W

#14 Baby Doll: Kelly H

#15 Bee's Felt Market GC: Megan Mc Donough

#16 Lisa Leonard Necklace : Polly K

#17  Newborn pink cardigan : Melissa M

#18 Photo frames: Lynn S

$10.00 Subway GC: Julia Nalle


Now I just need addresses.

Email: or PM me on FB

And again thank you ALL!!!!! 
I am absolutely amazed at how well this went!

And I'm totally convinced that Carina will go home. God's got this!


  1. Stephanie,
    Thank you SO MUCH for all of your hard work on the giveaway! What a difference you are making for Carina!!! Can't wait to hear that she has her forever family :) You are awesome!!!

  2. Laura the awesome ones are you and everyone who donated shared and prayed! You all raised $1000.00 for a little girl you'll most likely never meet.
    This giveaway was pure love! No big ticket ipads(although i was praying for one,lol) no kindle no iphones just a simple beautiful giveaway. And it worked!

    It worked because you all just loved, simple as that.

    God planted the seed and you guys let it grow!

  3. YAY for Carina! That is awesome! I knew you would knock this one out of the park!
