
Monday, July 2, 2012

Drive In Movie Night!

We all got to experience a drive in movie for the first time together! What a hoot!!! These people mean business. It's a huge ordeal and so much fun! I highly recommend it! And it's a double feature!!! we didn't stay for the second movie because it was late and the kids , (and the mother were exhausted), but what a deal! $25.00 a carload for two movies! If we went to see two movies as a family of 7, it would cost us $147.00!!!  HAHA!! 

All of us!!! Even Aniela is home for a bit!!! What a treat! No I'm not in the picture... 


  1. Wow, I think the last drive-in move I saw was probably when I was about 7. What a fun time!! What was an ordeal about it? Packing like you were spending a week at the beach? Yeah, that would do it. LOL

  2. This is the last year our drive in will be open and we are going to take the girls! Even though they probably won't appreciate it. :)

  3. You are never in any pics. Stinker! Love this idea, have never been to a drive in!
