
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Feast of The Holy Innocents, Russian Adoption Ban, and Me Unable to be Silent.

One year ago today, on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, I lost a piece of my heart when Putin signed into law the International Adoption Ban, prohibiting Americans from adopting and stopping all adoptions in their tracks. 

As I have said before, I advocated for Carina. We did have hopes of taking her home, if when mountains were moved and ways were made for us. Oddly enough the money was never one of our issues. We knew it would come. It was the onslaught of other things that time would/could eventually take care of for us that held us back. Unfortunately we ran out of time and so did Carina and every other orphan in Russia. 

Today, I have no idea how she is. Where she is. All I know is that children are dying. Orphans are being neglected and beaten and she could be one of them.  Everyday my heart cries for her. That will never go
away. I break down at odd times. In church, in traffic, in the grocery store, right now..

My heart aches for my friends that met their children, held them and told them they would be back soon..

I really did not want to acknowledge this day. 

But if I let it go without a word, what good would I have done for Carina. The child I love so much?

And what about the families, my friends, all missing their children and reliving that horrible moment one year ago today?

Would I be a good friend if I let this day go by and not reminded everyone that so many are still weeping!

I swore that I would not let these children be forgotten. How could I be silent today..

So I speak out for the voiceless and the brokenhearted.  I speak for Carina and Nico, and Natasha, and Olga, Vanessa, Miles, Preston, Dottie, Owen and Darby, Arina, Anastasia, Sophia, Andrew, Kate, Artem, Celine, Cora Lynn, Beau, Anna, Shaun, Asher, Kacey, Adalyn, Angelina, Alexander and Kyle.

Kyle is no longer waiting. He's dead. Yes, this is Kyle in both photo's. Do you see why our hearts cannot just be silent? Because we know what will happen to our children with this ban. One by one they will disappear..
 There are hundreds, thousands, in desperate situations. I named but a few.

These children are all loved and wanted! They had families who love them and were either coming for them or advocating for them. They are real!     THEY. ARE. REAL.

Today pick one , pick them all! And remember them, pray for them and beg God for His mercy , that the ban will be lifted and hope restored to these children kept hidden away!

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