
Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving? Ok I'm Running a Little Behind..

Lagging behind as usual this Holiday season. Up until a couple of days ago I had Halloween, Thanksgiving, and  Christmas decorations in my front yard.  I'm proud to announce two of the three holidays have been packed away.
Thanksgiving was fabulous! I'll catch you up with pictures!

Ready to carve!

Some sort of group photo

Emmie chowing down on her potatoes!

Any takers on what part of the turkey this is?? Liv goes for it every year. Clue?  It's not a wing, leg, breast, or any other part that is acceptable to eat! LOL

All the fatties relaxing!

A helper... that was nice!

We also had a couple of birthdays!!
Em getting some Grammy time!


We desended like locust on our dear friends for dessert!

Being silly!

Lots and lots of kids!

Lots and lots of hugs!

And lots of cuddles!

Someone tucked her in all cozy!

And more cuddles!

And since we didn't get home til 1am( at midnight she was learning how to do the worm), the Princess slept in the next morning!

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