
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I cannot believe this month is over. FLEW BY! I didn't post nearly as much as I had intended. As usual!

Today, I will leave you with the best advice I can come up with for anyone hearing the words Down syndrome for the first time,( as tomorrow is reserved for Halloween pictures  :)

1. Don't freak! As much as your brain is telling you, you should, DO NOT FREAK!
2. This is a classic case where your heart should lead!
3. If you were diagnosed on a Tuesday, that the baby you are carrying has Down syndrome, guess what? That baby you loved and cherished on Monday, is still your baby. Continue to love and cherish him/her!!!
4. Yes, the game plan has changed. A good cry is okay. Uncertainty is okay. Get a NEW game plan and move forward.. keep the old baby!
5. Your life is going to be AH MAZ ING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    
6. EDUCATE YOURSELF! Stay away from medical websites! Go to the source! FAMILIES! Find blogs and FB groups for support and HONEST answers!
7. BE PROUD OF YOUR CHILD! They are already a fighter!
8.  This child of yours is magical! Enjoy!
9. There will be tough days! Some days you will want to run away. But guess what. Your typical children will lead you down that same road. LOL
10. The best words of advice I ever heard when I was pregnant with Em, came from one of my dearest friends and her Godmother. I have to admit when she said these words to me, I didn't get that warm and fuzzy feeling, but I clung to them. She was right when she said... "IT IS WHAT IT IS"   she meant not to hurt me with those words, but she did recognize that I needed to face things like a big girl. What those words meant to me was, Look, Steph, you have a beautiful baby on the way. Are you going to love this child like your other children or walk around in a daze for the next umpteen years. Embrace the child that God has hand selected for YOU! This child is a gift. Granted you may not understand this gift yet, and in your mind it's not the gift you want. But hang on! Stay in the game and YOU will end up the winner!     


  1. Yup.
    And the picture - HALLO - Love it!

  2. Great list of advice and the picture to go along with it - perfect!
