
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Take a Moment from The Hustle and Bustle and Think of Her

Her name is Gracelynn. She is turning 11 this month. She is an orphan. She is alone. 

As you hurry here and there preparing for Christmas, family, friends, gifts , parties, and cookies piled so high they touch the ceiling, stop for a moment and think of her.

When you bow your head to pray on Christmas morning, think of her. 

When you are exhausted from opening presents and laughing and playing with your children , think of her.

Her day will be the same as every other day. No grandma and grandpa heavily laden with presents will be ringing the doorbell. No Auntie will be squeezing her nose and leaving lipstick kisses on her cheeks. No little cousins will be chasing her through the house. She won't hear Santa, or music or church bells. She won't smell turkey and no hot chocolate over flowing with whipped cream will touch her lips. 


All that can change if Gracelynn were to get a family! All that and more could be hers. Next year at this time she could be home and she could know love.

Do you have room in your heart for Gracelynn? 

Can you help her?

Can you help me help her?

I am raising $1000.00 for her by 12/31 

I'm not going to lie. It's been difficult this year.

Last year at this time I had high hopes for Carina

I was confident that she would get home. Well, she is in Russia and will remain there it seems. With Russia banning adoptions to the States her hope has been shattered, and my heart along with it. I still feel guilty for not getting her out in  time. Maybe one more post would have made a difference. I don't know. All i know is she is stuck there. And it's not a good thing. 

I hesitated to take on advocating for another child . I didn't want to fail again.

But this little one and her mischievous grin pulled me in. 

Please help me.

I need to get her home! 

Yes, I also need to get her another $500.00 but a home is my ultimate goal for Gracelynn.

If you feel lead to donate I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Any amount will be a blessing. 

You can do that here

But please!!! Look at her. Think of her. Realize she is a real little,girl. Yes, she is far away. But there are no boundaries when it comes to a child and love, and doing what needs to be done. It doesn't matter if she is across the street or across the ocean. She is in need.  

Can you share her picture? This post? You can go here and share her to FB and twitter with one click.

Will you pray for her?

Do  you think you are her mother? 

When your laughing and loving and warm and cozy this Christmas. When you are surrounded by family and lights and peace... think of her, and her silence, and please whisper a pray to God for her.


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