
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Semi Wordless Wednesday

clean from the bubble
time for a squeeze

chin attack

picking lilacs

Just a few words on one of the pictures. In the picture with Sophia, Emmie is attached to her chin. We laugh so hard when she does this. It seems Emmie's favorite thing to bite on is someones (preferably clean) chin. She will attach herself to anyone who gets close enough.


  1. OH.... those pictures are precious! Justin also attacks faces one way or another. We love every second of it!

  2. Soo sweet, she has the biggest smile I've ever seen.

  3. LOVING the semi-wordless Wednesday. Truly priceless. I love her big old cheesy grin...what a happy girl!! I'm loving the chin sucking too. Lillian did that for a while. She's big into licking right now thanks to her father...

    Once again, smiling from ear to ear!! Thanks!!

  4. I love her smile!We get those wonderful chin kisses too :)

  5. SO cute! Kennedy used to do the chin attacks too!!!

  6. Oh I love those pictures. Too funny about the chin thing.

  7. How lucky are YOU? Precious.

    You should come and link your pics up at SEW over at

  8. So cute, loved the pic of her in her towels. Sam loves to eat faces as well. He will stick his tongue out and just latch onto your face, it's hilrious, I just love these kids, so much fun and such an adventure. I love all her smiles.

  9. Such a cutie Miss Em is.Zoey is a face biter and face scratcher.No idea why ... hope she grows out of it.Her teeth are SO sharp.Love to you all.

  10. Such precious pictures!! I ADORE the 4th one, she is so precious!

  11. Precious! What a cute family. My little guy has lots of teeth (well, relatively speaking) and loves to bite for real. Not so cute any more. :-(
