
Monday, June 1, 2009

Little by Little

She's up!
and... she's down.

No thank you
Emilia is working her hardest to sit. She is happiest when someone holds her up so she can see everything, she doesn't want to miss a thing. She barely naps at all and I'm convinced it's only because curiosity gets the best of her. She is the most social creature I have ever seen and thrives on being in the middle of whatever is going on. In this house it's usually complete chaos. We are working hard with her PT, to strengthen her arms to help support her in a sitting position. Today I think I kind of tired her out, and out of complete frustration Emmie pushed herself up into a crawling position (was she trying to get away). I couldn't believe it! With tears in my eyes, I rushed to share my exciting news with Peter, to which he replied, "oh yeah". Oh Yeah. What the heck, didn't you hear me, the baby just put herself into a crawling position! Did you forget she has ds and this is HUGE!!! What's he say, "you know I did kind of forget". At first I was disappointed at his reaction, but the more I thought about it, the more I think, how lucky we are that right now Emmie is doing so well that we can sort of forget. don't take me wrong, I'm not saying I want to forget who she is or ever deny that she indeed does have ds.I just mean we're really blessed to be able to simply enjoy her. I never thought I would enjoy being a parent to a child with special needs. I am so glad that God proves me wrong every second of every day. One thing Miss Em has not quite mastered is eating. So... next Monday we go for eating therapy. Last night she did finally swallow a few mouthfuls of cereal with apples. I think she'll get the hang of it, little by little.
By the way , Bella decided that Emmie looks like a Littlest Pet Shop, with a big bobble head and little body


  1. So cute, I can totally picture her sitting and then slowly falling over.

  2. She is precious! I feel so very blessed to have my little man in my life too!

  3. Sam is so the same way. He is so social and fights going to sleep so he can be apart of everything. Sam sits up well but still falls down. They will get it sooner then later.

  4. Oh so cute!

    Carly still doesnt sleep well :o(
    Maybe some day!

  5. I just found your blog, Emmie is darling!

  6. That is awesome that she got herself into a crawling position! She is so cute--loved the Littlest Pet Shop analogy. In addition, to the big, wobbly head and little body, those pets have got the cutest little faces!

  7. She is just so cute. She'll get it...she is doing so well. You have such a sweet little one who you can be so very proud of.

  8. Life changes so much once they start sitting. Most importantly, you have so much more variety for pictures. You can plop them anywhere. I never really liked the ones where they are lying down on their back. Emmie is almost there and she will be there before you know it. As for the eating....Ella is 14 months old and still has NO INTEREST in solid foods. Makes a face every time. I am trying to get OT started...aaagghhh!!!
