
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 10th Birthday Sophia


Sophia - Greek, meaning wisdom. July 6th 1999 at 5:40 a.m Sophia Elizabeth exploded into our lives. A firecracker two days after the 4th. She was born during one of the worst heat waves we've ever had. I can remember when I went into labor, saying "thank God I can go to the hospital where it's air conditioned."I can't believe that was ten years ago. I've been thinking about this post for quite some time. I've been trying to gather my thoughts about this complex creature. Sophia is everything. How do I sum that up into a post, when I could write volumes about her. She is a leader, actually, the leader of the pack. She knows how to get things done. Sophia's motto could easily be, "follow me or get outta the way." she doesn't mince words either, Sophia will always tell you exactly what's she's thinking. No sugar coating with this girl. She is also lovable and sweet. Sophia will just randomly come up to me and ask for a hug, or snuggle in on the couch. She is Emilia's constant protector.She has an incredible way with babies and young children. She can make me laugh until I cry. I remember one night, Peter was talking to the kids about talent. He was explaining to them that if you develop a talent such as tennis (his favorite),then you have something that no one can take away from you. No matter what happens to you , it's yours. It was a good speech, something to take to heart. Now, Sophia listened, then looked up and said "Yeah, well if some one steals your racket I guess there goes your talent". I seriously thought I would die laughing and the best part was , she just innocently said it. She came to a logical conclusion, no racket no talent.
Sophia has a shine and a sparkle about her. Her smile charms me. Her love surrounds me. Thank you for being my girl. Thank you for always thinking outside of the box, and making life so interesting.Your everything Sophia, but first and foremost you are my daughter, and I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday Sweetie.
P.S I love you more!


  1. Happy Birthday Sophia....Stephanie, now we have another reason to get together..we both have 10 year old girls as well. Do you have an 8 year in there as well???

  2. She sounds like someone I would love to meet!
    Happy Birthday Sophia, you sound like an amazing young lady, with a momma who loves you madly!!!

  3. Happy Birthday! Officially in the double digits now :>)

  4. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!

  5. She is beautiful. Happy Birthday Sophia.

  6. Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl. I LOVE the story about the tennis racket! She sounds a lot like my older daughter. Who knows, maybe one day we'll get our girls together.

  7. Happy belated birthday to a sweet girl. I love the sentence, she is Emilie's constant protector. That just speaks volumes of what a precious daughter you have.

  8. Happy belated Birthday Sophia. You're a beautiful girl.

  9. I just started crying about the racket comment--too funny and of course 'moving' too!! I can't believe she is 10!? Happy Birthday Soph!! I remember holding you at birth til maybe you were two-ish...not for that length of time, your Mama would have clubbed me! haha Happy Birthday...and GREAT blogging bud, you are amazing!!!

  10. I found you on Carol's blog. Your family is beautiful. Emilia has a good home.

    Our older son has Downs. I learned quickly that it is not who he is, just something he has. There are challenges, yes, but we would not trade for him. He has blessed others in his own ways that we could never do. He blesses God, and that is enough. Liz
